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Good Man

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Everything posted by Good Man

  1. Some interesting points. The pure saluki, was bred for plains running for sure, their is some exceptions, how pure these strains are, is any ones guess mind? Not so long back, their was a great clip on here, of Asha running pre-ban with MP, she was right on top of them and impressed me, no slowness their?? A lot of good coursing lads over here i have spoken to, from their experience, say 1/8th saluki is enough, however, over the years, i have seen a few first crosses, take a lot of stuff... A well bred one of these, i think suits Ireland well.
  2. So, to the folk who run their dogs here in Ireland and for the conditions we have here, ie, fences, gates galore, electric wire small fields filled with ditches, rivers drains, stone walls ect , ect, for the long ears to get away, how much saluki is enough, is too much slowing the dog down? Lot of different opinions on this, would like to hear from folk who have pures and saluki saturated lurchers, how do you find your dogs, running here in Ireland, your true experiences? For the ones that have pures, do they regularily catch and kill winter hares?? Keep it clean please, just a topic of fri
  3. Do Yous mean a Coursing Greyhound instead of a Track Greyhound ? If so nowdays id disagree, Coursing Greyhounds are Far to Big and Heavy (90-100 lbs weight ) Bred for pace in strait lines over 300-400 m Nowdays when using Greyhounds to Influence Lurcher Breeding Best Find a Quality Track Staying Type.
  4. In my opinion and from the dogs i seen run, a good track stayer over here in Ireland, far out weighs a coursing greyhound.
  5. Do you think rabbits put them off? What about lamping them on a few rabbits, to get them started for the future on the day time long ears? A lot say it makes them pull up on hedges, but a lot seem to start them on lamped bunny's as well, confusing stuff, lol.. No rabbits for me day or night i think it dose no good for a hare dog .Some one on here said about sending a young lad out to work to get him used to it well if hes going to be a plaster yer not going to be getting him a eastwing hammer and a chop saw .If a dog is going to be after hares no point in starting it at rabbits wait unti
  6. Me too.. .. Sound looking dog, is it collie x saluki coursing dog?
  7. I am finding out over the years, that high protein completes, drive pups mad....and seems to go threw working dogs quick, not putting any back or weight on them. 21 to 24 % protein, seems to work for me, from a good quality brand, along with a few lamb breasts, hearts ect now and them.
  8. Do you think rabbits put them off? What about lamping them on a few rabbits, to get them started for the future on the day time long ears? A lot say it makes them pull up on hedges, but a lot seem to start them on lamped bunny's as well, confusing stuff, lol..
  9. I started one and asked folks to keep it clean, it was going ok, but i was not on line for a bit, when i came back on, it was gone.
  10. it was 100 euro good man, Cheers L330..
  11. Grand tattoo, how much did it cost you if you don't mind me asking?
  12. Good Man

    eaten fox

    My 2 lurchers have eaten fox cubs, the whole lot, skin, bone and guts! They did it them self's, i did not give it to them, mate of mine has dogs when they kill a fox, will start to eat it if he does not get to them quick enough!
  13. Think irish lady is on here but under a new name thought this had been pulled seen it on here a few days back but couldent find it after.The whiteman dog i think their was pups out of him in sligo a few years back il try and find out what happened them .Think i heard that the whiteman was put to a bitch out of irish lady and brother to captian, shamrock was her name i think them pups would only be 5 or 6 years must be some of them about if they turned out any good The topic was not pulled, it was accidentley deleted, due to the site being down. Below, is a bitch i had once, back in 07
  14. Far as i know, its hard to get a true working ACD in uk. The good working ones are in oz. Its these, mated to a good greyhound bitch, that would hopefully produce the type that Phil Lloyd worked, sometime back. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/4737-cattle-dog-x-greyhound/
  15. Good Man


    no offence, but that ground looks rough for lamping, it will kill a dog! Good clips apart from that. mate had a look at his bitch after that run she was fine as you can see in the first vid bitch went on the rest of the night fine she is just a pup in the vidolder dog would of not done what that bitch done on that rabbit mate ..very true.
  16. Good Man


    no offence, but that ground looks rough for lamping, it will kill a dog! Good clips apart from that.
  17. Maybe now that the children are in bed some one might answer this for me please Do you mean Brian Plummer? He owned a dog called Merle in the 's, as far as i know, in the uk. A collie cross. No good man the famous merle and eve that is always talked about on here Ahh right, sorry, got the wrong one, no bother.. Hope you find the answer to your question.
  18. Hows it going, just wondered, in the summer, what is the best spots for a few mackerel around the costs of Ireland? I hear galway bay has been good the last few summers, salt hill? Cheers,...
  19. Maybe now that the children are in bed some one might answer this for me please Do you mean Brian Plummer? He owned a dog called Merle in the 's, as far as i know, in the uk. A collie cross.
  20. The link below! They should of disposed of them better, no wonder its under attack when this happens! How ever, as mentioned, it could be a set up by the antis, as a while back, they killed a hare where hares were kept at a coursing meet, so it looked like they were suffering!! The greyhound board will hopefully get to the bottom of it! http://www.rte.ie/news/2012/0412/gardai-investigate-greyhound-deaths-in-co-limerick.html
  21. hay?? just trying to pm you their lad? your inbox is full.
  22. Recharge (dog electrolytes) before and after a lot of running ect helps as well.
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