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Good Man

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Everything posted by Good Man

  1. Years ago, as a part of their diet, i fed raw tripe to my dogs, i was for ever worming them!! It does not have a lot of food value for them anyhow, but as part of their diet, its ok. I would deep freeze it for a month.
  2. If i knew that, i would not be asking. Anyhow, it does not matter, things seem peacefull now, so i think its best left at that lad.
  3. I use to cull badgers for the dept of agriculture over here in Ireland. TB, is rife over here in parts and it has been prooven, that badgers spread it! I once had to cull a big badger population in a area, 48 of them, 30% of them, had TB and the cattle were all gone off the land, the farmer, committed suicide after, very very sad indeed!!
  4. A prime example i think of this is, saluki saturated lurchers. Lot don't understand them and try and dominate them with over training, not a good thing to do. !
  5. If she is one of them collies that chase car tires and is hyper, then no, as a lot can be neurotic! Temperament, stamina ect, good working ability, play a big part. Some collies have eye defects as well, another thing to look out for. This collie below, is here in ireland, doing very well and thinks for him self ect, some may think his not right, but he is not far from what i would use..
  6. Your doing a mighty job with that pup Millet, keep up the good work, just goes to show, time spent a little like this, goes a long way.
  7. From what i hear and see, their is meant to be a LOT, of rabbits their...
  8. Sorry to hear this, did not know the man, think i met him last July at the west-meath hunt show, from what i heard, good dog man with great dogs. rip.
  9. Cheers folks, some good experiences and reply's. I think their is more chance of getting something that will make consistent catch dogs when keeping 2, or more, you tend to see which one is using their head, some even start to hunt about earlier then others ect, first ones to do anything. Captain, how are them 3 pups are bred of yours?
  10. That's charming coming from a mod. Thought yea guys are meant to keep the peace?? Do you know this lads circumstances, do you know him at all? Too many internet heroes on here.. Good luck with selling your dogs cushy, sorry to hear they have to go, you must be gutted!!.
  11. Not all pups in a coursing litter, make the grade usually, as i am finding out. So the need to keep 2 or more pups, to get anywhere, seems to be the norm, in the coursing circles, whats folks opinions on this, it makes sense to me. Your experiences also, would be good to hear.
  12. Rabbits are full of tapeworms ect, freezing for a month, kills them. However, i have in the passed also fed raw warm rabbit and venison and they thrived on it. I did have to worm them every month mind, as they crapped out long tape worms and segments on a regular basis! Their is nothing better, then watching a litter of pups, demolishing a whole deer carcass.
  13. Cold black tea, if that does not work and it gets worse, i use chloromycetin.
  14. Decent lad this and no, he is NOT, speedie BM, keep up the good work .
  15. Been running dogs in Ireland myself for the passed 23 years and that's spot on. I am no expert, still learning, but that's the experience i have also had and i think if most folks told the truth, that's running dogs here in Ireland.
  16. This saluki tazi bitch below in her native country, seems to have dug a den for her pups.
  17. Lads, please stop the messing and bickering!! If some of you want to argue about certain things, do it by pm or ring each other ect! I would like for this thread to get back on topic please and no more silly stuff, cheers.
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