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IV Ecosse

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Everything posted by IV Ecosse

  1. Your thinking of the eastern boys and their jagd/teckle setups - couldn’t be further from that. That is not an artificial earth artificial earth is actually dug into the earth, approx 1.5/2ft deep, minimum 2 entries/exits and one chamber west facing, good drainage, water source nearby, on a slight slope, dog-leg angle on tunnels to minimise draft, chamber doesn’t have to be massive tunnels lined with field stone and small slabs over the top (I put plastic feed bags over slabs Before filing in chamber lined with breeze blocks and big old style concrete slab as top
  2. I find it just as hilarious that you think just because it’s a “terrier” it’s meant to work a natural earth why would a draw dog work a natural earth? Some glens heads aren’t spanable let alone their bodies
  3. Yes you have crossed your wires - nothing illegal about artificial earths
  4. Left Perth years ago - I worked sheep there for a few years at Pitlochry back home down south now
  5. Have you even ran a proper decent artificial? Nope - didn’t think so commenting on something you know nothing about I can guarantee once I lift the gates on my sets that they will hold - dogs get work, people pay to shoot, land owners get what they want sit down little boy and go play pretend hunter with your boyfriends
  6. Thank for proving my point “keyboard hunter”
  7. This forum does attract some total dross - posting little faces rather than issuing an opinion. i take it “rabbit hunter” & “w.katchum” both have working bred glens? glens have large bodies and big heads, many (not all) natural earths are to small for them, trust me - if your a total twat you could just use em as a draw dog - probably what you pair would do tbh an artificial is a great way for a glen to earn its keep - plus it’s an easy way to get them in front of stuff when younger you idiots need to realise the Glen was never a dog to be dug too - they are a trial d
  8. What you “haha” ing at rabbit hunter?
  9. £1000 for a 3 yr old working bitch seemed fair - I got his purchase price confirmed from breeder (in Ireland) and also how much he spent getting dog shipped over - then upkeep for 3yrs, and the fact she was working Didnt seem unreasonable - the guy defo had best interest in mind! I don’t think even if you did churn pups out you’d have that much buyers - it’s not as if the terrier lads can dig to them. But over all I agree £1000 is a hefty chunk for a working dog
  10. They are out there - I was offered a working bitch about a year & 1/2 ago £1000 was the price - didn’t have the cash
  11. I’ve seen videos of this dog - looks crazy strong
  12. Bit of a long shot - but looking to get my 5month bitch started up. Anyone up for letting me
  13. Zilverhase - pretty sure that's the same guy that has my pups stud dog (punch) Think he's just got another of Nuttall called parson (only my presumptions)
  14. Good to hear! Anyone got any info on copper? J1985, where you pick up your pup from?
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