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Everything posted by Dan_Mercian

  1. Awesome fella Any ideas what your after?
  2. Im failing to see why you think you'd still be alive when everyone else is a zombie Everyone would have the same idea and head straight for the local gunshop, everyone would then get into a massive brawl and probably all die there But yeah, We spoke about this once down the pub, Our idea was stock up on arsenal then go create a strong hold in the local tescos
  3. Serves the c**t right, why would you try to 'finish it off' with the butt of the rifle when you have a round in the chamber??
  4. If it is for the Radio, A garage I used to work at used to charge £5 for decoding. It was a piece of piss, I used to whip the radio out, flip it over and type the serial number into a keygen, it then provided the code within seconds. It was a proper basic programme too, Cant for the life of me remember what it was called but a quick search on google came up with this - http://www.floodle.net/extra/ebayinfo/car_radio_decode.html Might be worth a try?? If not you'll definately find it on the net with a bit of searching
  5. 4 Mercian is TA mate, not just restricted to Stockport :/
  6. I've not said anything waltish at all pal, just explaining what my username was about, it's not about being a walt at all, it's about being proud of being part of one of the best regiments in the army, I worked damn hard to get myself in and I'm going to stand up proud and use the regiments name in my username. That's the only reason. So yeah I'm in 100% agreeance that this has gone on too long, if you see my first post it was a question, once pounced on I tried to turn it into a joke, when that didn't work and further people thought I was some kind of psycho I just thought balls to it.
  7. That's not my name, my regiment, where 2000 people will happily stand up and say how competent I am with a firearm
  8. Shit, yeah, forgot about sg But slugs I've heard, even on FAC are that strictly controlled it's pretty hard to prove need for them.
  9. Haha, if it annoys you enough to search through all my previous posts/topics then by all means feel free to ring my FEO and give him my name, I'm sure he'd love to waste time chasing up something someone wrote on a forum on jest by someone that only shoots at clay discs BTW, the rabbit would be totally safe along as your on your game, if your shit and the rabbit gets eaten, you probably shouldn't be out 'controlling' anyway, prob best to put in some more range time eh?
  10. That's a bit daft, if they were going to refuse you for that why not check it out BEFORE paying an FEO to come give you a home visit :s
  11. Not sure but isn't AAA the highest available in the uk?
  12. well, do yourself and us a favour, and check out the defra website, and LEARN THE LAW then, using a live animal as bait, wild or pet is totally illegal, then it'll save you looking like a muppet with the above posts Why would I need to do that?? I don't plan on using a rabbit as a decoy for a fox... If that time arises I'll seek professional advice, not on a public forum where posts are 100% opinion and regularly disagree with the next... There's a guy suggesting to strap a rabbit to a chickenwire frame, one to crack open a tin of John west and one to parade a dead rabbit about on t
  13. I am not, But im guessing if you keep it as a pet for a couple of weeks before, you'll be pretty intent on keeping it alive
  14. Cant you just tie one on a lead and put it on a stake where you want it??
  15. Ignore my last post I've got shooting times mixed up with sporting gun!
  16. Isn't shooting times monthly?? Might still be on the shelf I'll take a look on my way home
  17. Leading up to the end of the world (next year) wellnot the end of the world but a "new beginning" whatever that means :/
  18. No it can't be, there was a rescue centre where we used to live in north wingfield which took in ones that were run over/pregnant etc kept them in pens then released them once healed. Place used to stink!!
  19. I've sorted it with a guy from Florida who's going to send it me out, he thinks it might get stuck in customs though so we'll see I dontbthink they can hold it though because it's basically just a cartridge belt?? It's not like illegal ammunition or anything.
  20. ^^ As above. He'll just rock up and sit down with you, go over your form to make sure its all correct. Ask you what you've done so far with one i.e. had a couple of clay lessons, been for a couple of rounds of skeet etc. Then he'll do the safety thing as mentioned with how far away you think you can kill someone with a shotgun etc etc if you havent got a clue just say so, but mention you've been taught muzzle awareness etc and he'll be happy, he'll tell you how far you can kill someone/injure them. He'll go through the make-up of a cartridge and different types i.e. no 6/7 for
  21. Im not sure if this has been posted yet, I have had a quick look through this section (only recent threads because the articles dated today) So yeah, In the daily mail, it appears someone also believes he's had bigger, but proved it! Read full article here >> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1345152/Fox-hunter-shows-34lb-beast-caught-Somerset.html When Dennis Rowsell read in the Daily Mail about a 26lb urban fox believed to have eaten a cat, he was less impressed than most. For one of the creature’s country cousins which he shot weighed an astonishing 34lb – mo
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