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Everything posted by Dan_Mercian

  1. Im sure I've seen your name over one of the tracks I've played before but can't see it on your soundcloud, maybe I haven't but your name rings a bell. What software do you use?
  2. This ^ Iirc they have to be checked out and checked in if not used, even in Afghan, saying that theres always ways round it, I know of a mate of a mate who smuggled out an sa80 piece by piece over a year.
  3. Watch sky news now, Bomb disposal robots just blown something up but they don't know what yet
  4. Watch this video: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-19249050 Broad daylight, throwing a hand grenade in a residential street... nutty b*****d!
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2197149/Homeowner-wife-arrested-suspected-burglars-shot-break-in.html?ito=feeds-newsxml More photos etc here ^ It's a shame that he'll without a doubt receive a harsher punishment than the scroates and be banned from owning as much as an air rifle for the rest of his life. Sad f*****g state we live in. Btw, I wouldn't think twice if I was in his shoes.
  6. I would gladly go to that prison in a group, hold every guard at gun point, release that prick, tie him to a toe bar and drag him round the streets at about 3mph until he confessed, then take him back to prison to rot. He is the biggest piece of shit b*****d that I've ever set eyes on, I'm so so sorry for that poor woman, her dying wish and that scum prick denies her. I don't believe in god, or heaven or any kind of afterlife but I hope I'm wrong and this woman gets reunited with her little boy. What a disgusting, horrible c**t.
  7. I honestly thought you should be the only person with acess to your safe... Yeah, after this it's all done mate, he'll come in, offer him a drink, he'll have a look at your safe, ask you why you want it I.e clay shooting, give you some pointers etc Run through your form make sure it's all correct. Mine had a chat about maximum effective ranges, and all the safety stuff such as muzzle awareness just basic stuff. Then he'll shake your hand, say "get looking at what gun you want to buy, your ticket will be with you in a week or so" Jobs a good 'en.
  8. He'll check it's secure then have a chat. No one has your spare set of keys, only you hold any and every key you have to that safe, no one should know where they are ever.
  9. As above, Gun now sold, Really nice guy to deal with! Thankyou to everyone who was interested!
  10. All PMs now replied to, sorry for the late replies
  11. PM Recieved, cant go that low unfortunately, Thanks for the offer though.
  12. Hi all, Im reluctantly selling my Mossberg .410 Hushpower Pump, So here it goes. Gun: The gun was purchased by myself on the 28th Feb 2012 (See Receipt) Thats just over a month ago, since then I have fired 23 Eley subsonic cartridges through it. So the gun in effect is Brand new, Its got no marks on it and Still under warranty with Euroguns (I quote) "any problems whatsoever, just bring it straight back". Extras: Alongside the supplied sticker kit (BTW the mossberg sticker on the butt stock is original and comes on from the manufacturers, I havent put this on and it its easily
  13. Can anyone with an idea of how horseracing / maths tell me how much ive chucked away please (paddypowers crashed and it wont let me view my bets)
  14. b*****d, I had a hard on when seabass was first over the last jump
  15. Haha, Oh well, Its done now
  16. Right then, Ive never ever bet on the grand national, Nor I have ever placed a bet in my life.... Didn't have a clue how to work the site or what comb tricast or forecast means.... Anyway, Have I spunked £ up the wall or might I actually win something?? haha
  17. Hi all, Im reluctantly selling my Mossberg .410 Hushpower Pump, So here it goes. Gun: The gun was purchased by myself on the 28th Feb 2012 (See Receipt) Thats just over a month ago, since then I have fired 23 Eley subsonic cartridges through it. So the gun in effect is Brand new, Its got no marks on it and I'm presuming seen as they said to me at Euroguns "any problems whatsoever, just bring it straight back" its still got loads of warranty left on it. Extras: Alongside the supplied sticker kit (BTW the mossberg sticker on the butt stock is original and comes on from the manufa
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