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Everything posted by Beddy-Poacher

  1. Sorry for your loss pal , Keep ya chin up, Atb. Beddy-Poacher.
  2. Teacup Russell? Are you taking the pi55? lol
  3. Ask some lads on here or have a look on www.e-pupz.co.uk
  4. Leave them to breed for next season For some shooting and retrieving work
  5. I am from East Lancashire and only know of one pack which is the Hodder Valley and they are now a gun pack. Is there any round here that run the hounds still?
  6. Is there anyone that is located in Lancashire or the North West area of the UK that breeds or has for sale working plummer terriers or pups from working stock? Regards BP.
  7. That's a really good painting pal.. Sorry to hear about having to have him put to sleep. Atb
  8. Some jrt's have pointy ears.. as do whippets? I'm not 100% on terrier's myself but it looks something along the lines of patterdale / jack russell? correct me if im wrong anyone, im not clued up on terrier's atb pal.
  9. Seasons over for me now finished off poor with dog picking up a bad injury. Might invest in a terrier pup throughout summer and kick off with some terrier work next season!

  10. nice one lads. I think the plummer's are a great looking dog and have a good attitude to kill in them.. I hear they are brilliant ratters too!. once again cheers lads i'll keep my eyes open.
  11. I am looking for a terrier that excel's in the work of mink .. It will also be used for rats and rabbits but not fox. Does anyone know what type of dog would suit this game best? Thanks, Beddy-Poacher.
  12. Nice bitch that pal, Been looking for them myself but they dont come cheap and have'nt come across any from working stock. Im after one for bushing and ratting and the odd fox if you know of anyone that has any working that? Thanks.
  13. Have any black fox ever been spotted or killed in the UK? Never seen one or heard of myself before.
  14. Mate of mine used to have a Parsons, Wick as f**k on rabbits caught a few, Good ratting dog also but never cracked it as an earth dog. It was about 30 inch tts anyway haha..
  15. Have retired 1/2 Saluki / 1/4 Whippet / 1/4 Greyhound 10 years old bitch now. 18 inch tts very small bitch considering sire and dame size, Good hare bitch on local land but dont think would ever make the grade on big open land. Better rabbit bitch than anything else but did well on herberts. Just cramped up occasionally, Only down side to her!. Atb
  16. some cracking photo's pal well on ya lads.
  17. I've had 12 so far this season with my dog.. Normally get them while out walking her down the woods. I thought it was legal to kill them with dogs as they are vermin and do not come under the hunting ban act? ..
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