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Everything posted by punner

  1. haha soon comes round mate i had one on the start of the season broke it few times all i got was a ear full off the missis for the box ringing!!! they dnt bother half the time (tested mine by goin the shop 5 mins away straight back if it workd thel b round!!they gota catch u out!!the box rings anyway, )must be faulty , mate cut is off n handed imself in afta a while coz we got on is case they told im at the station it nufin t do [bANNED TEXT] them!!! test it pal!! nice dog
  2. haha soon comes round mate i had one on the start of the season broke it few times all i got was a ear full off the missis for the box ringing!!! they dnt bother half the time (tested mine by goin the shop 5 mins away straight back if it workd thel b round!!they gota catch u out!!the box rings anyway, )must be faulty , mate cut is off n handed imself in afta a while coz we got on is case they told im at the station it nufin t do [bANNED TEXT] them!!! test it pal!!
  3. sorry mate dnt no [bANNED TEXT] hapend ther but my answer is no i do not think so
  4. good on you then pal like you said if you getin them numbers in couple a hours THAT IS THE STUFF I DREAM OF!! save ya money and feed it u own animals
  5. ye dnt disagree but you both rippd into me on your post [bANNED TEXT] was it?? sumfin like 43 rabbit 20 odd biguns in couple hours i askd f a pik coz i dnt get nufin like that my way (im a dreamer) if i did i certently wudnt be at the tripe house pal
  6. you dnt need this tho do you pal all that game you baggin in couple hours lampin you [bANNED TEXT] rfyl vouch for ya ay
  7. 12 weeeks.... Forget it for a while. Let the pup be a pup before its ruined. i agree if u live in the country pal just take it everywer with you [bANNED TEXT] out on walks pick it up [bANNED TEXT] by roads or danger that age will learn to follow you [bANNED TEXT] mite be able to explain a bit beter off the lead as much as poss only my opinion tho
  8. haha cheers!! any more advise?? iv had a few do it over years mate, like i say, kill the buny while dog holds it, if it aint already dead then just let the dog carry it, it will soon relise the bunnys is dead, flick lamp on an find another bunny ye be surprised how quick a dog relises that a dead bunnyt as half appealing as a live 1 still in field, thankyou il try that to
  9. i,l giv that one a go matey thanks
  10. i tried that mate and it hurts!!ha she realy grips them only by the skin and have to use both hands which can be abit awkward at times i cnt fault the retreive its jus this
  11. hi can anyone give me a bit of advise i have an 11 month old pup when she catchs she brings them back to hand live but is not willing to let them go i strugle abit and dnt wnt to punish her im haveing to prize her mouth open to take them off her any tips on getting her to release the grip thanks
  12. i used to buy the pet mince mate boiled it up gave my pup gastro enteritis the vets reckon nearly lost him must be all sorts of condemd meat in it im stayin away from that now
  13. you lads av ad it when run for ya money reads this i mean runforyalife
  14. fook me wer u running pal!!!got any pics coz i dnt beleave you!!haha wer i am lucky t get 5!!! Are you having a laugh... Questioning other peoples catch rate! How old are you mate!! yes i was haveing a laugh
  15. listen mate i wasnt haveing ago i was shockd coz we have nufin like that round our way
  16. Did you read the post it a coursing dog he wants not rabbits was thinking the same thing big ears not small thanks for your replies whip/grey seems to be most peoples choices then atb
  17. fook me wer u running pal!!!got any pics coz i dnt beleave you!!haha wer i am lucky t get 5!!! well thats up 2 you ,i,ve got nothing 2 prove 2 anyone on this site ,especially when someone1 can,t even get 5 i no its the huntinglife pal but come on if u got that tnite in a few hours id eat my hat!!!if u did good on you i think u dreamin tho [bANNED TEXT] time was you last post!!!!! no offence mate im just jelous!!
  18. thankyou very much i wnt just be buying any old, and i have a very good vet at hand for any stitching!!!lol atb
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