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trigger happy tikka

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Everything posted by trigger happy tikka

  1. i was stopped about a foughtnight ago the plod followed me for about three miles down country roads as we were lamping out the window when he finnaly put the blinkers on and stopped me he asked me why i was so far away from home and asked if i had a fire arm with me then asked what i was doing ? mind the blitz sittin on the dash of my van i would have thought it pretty obvious very tempting to reply sun bathing but some of them dont have a sense of humour
  2. I was put off biying a t3 by a friend of mine as he says they are a budget version of the m595 the m695 etc I am not claiming this to all the t3 owners it was just what I have been told they have a one length action for all calibres were as the m595 ect has a action length decided by calibre I have recently bought a 595 in 22.250 and must say great rifle hope this helps
  3. can any body tell me how long it takes before you were out a barrel and is it true 22.250 weres them out quicker than the likes of 223 ect
  4. anyone know where i will get an extended mag for my m595 22.250 i have been told you can get a six bullet mag any advice would be great cheers
  5. cheers mate i will have to give it a try i have plenty written permission worded simmilar to yours so i might send me ticket in
  6. can any tell me how long you need to own a firearms ticket before allowance for opn ticket in england cheers
  7. i had one of these on my krico 222 and used to rattle of its zero i would bang it on the bay and save for a better scope you will save in the long run
  8. hi i have an edgar brothers 3x9x50 fitted to my tikka m595 22.250 and was just wondering if it would be upto the job or should i be looking for something better my main quarry is foxes cheers
  9. cheers i think i will look into the ultrasonic cleaning it seems like it kills two birds with one stone
  10. hi i have recently started reloading at the moment i am using the lee aniversary kit but upgradeing to the rcbs rockchucker when santa fetches it i was just wondering if a case tumbler is another item i should be adding to my xmas list i have spoke to peolpe who swears by them and others that says they are a waist of time cheers
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