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Everything posted by LolaPat

  1. My terrier has really coarse wire hair but its real tight. Unless you was close enough to touch her you would think she had smooth hair
  2. If the butchers around me looked like that the windows wouldn't last long and the butcher would probably get shot.
  3. That's some scary shit! Went to vegas last year and a few of the lads did the bungee jump of the stratosphere.... Fcuk that aswell lol
  4. 2 words that bring fear to any trials/dirt jump blokes mind..........BEAR TRAPS!! Had to mention it didn't you
  5. whats the spec in it The spec is on that link, fairly good but not the best... I haven't got it yet I'm hoping it gets delivered this week
  6. Can someone tell me why so many ex soldiers end up on the streets, genuine question this and i'm, not looking for an arguement. Cause the way i see things when you going the army the downside of things is obvioulsy you are putting yourself in a dangerous enviroment and possibily in some situations endangering your life. The up side is you get to travel the world, get a decent wage, meals and accomadation and because you cant spend the money you earn when your away in war zones wouldn't a nice little nest egg build up in your bank account? Struggle fitting back into civilian life
  7. Ministry of silly walks
  8. Lol I broke my left ankle on the bike, also messed up my shins regular and broke an arm... All good fun
  9. Only problem I had of them was a £900 phone bill... Don't use a phone abroad
  10. I spent 10 years of my life on. ZOO! 20" trials bike dropping of phone boxes and walls etc hopping onto stuff from front wheels to back wheel's.... Just fancy chilling out now
  11. Just bought this http://www.tredz.co.uk/.Specialized-Rockhopper-Mountain-Bike-2011-Hardtail-Race-MTB_38795.htm
  12. Very smart bike that, what make and model isit? cube sting pro had a look at these on the net, very good and well specc'd pieces on kit... just around £1500 out of my price range
  13. Very smart bike that, what make and model isit?
  14. Touchy subject for you then
  15. My terrier loves to swim, if there's water about she's in there.
  16. Racist bitch! Needs the sack
  17. I don't know about where u lot live but where I'm from beggar's dog seem a lot healthier and fitter than 99% of people pet dogs.
  18. What's it about? Ill +1 if its any good now I've already missed 20 minutes of it lol
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