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Everything posted by LolaPat

  1. I'm not looking for a dog as I have know use for one with the dog work I do. I just like the look of the labs that are ripped and lean. Just wondering what type/breeder was
  2. What kind of Labradors are the lean muscley ones?
  3. Quality. Face Jacker is better though haha!
  4. I can remember walking my patxjack when she was about 7 months old and a Pomeranian? Kept runnin over givin it big licks and running of for about 5 minutes. Anyway about 15 minutes later it seem to have disappeard then out I know where it came out grabbed hold of my bitch, my bitch thought I'm not having that b*****d and knocked 10 bells out of it and the bloke came running over saying it was all my dog even after watching his start the trouble. He tarted getting laity with me so I scuffed his dog and launched it in the canal next to where I walk and said of you don't put that dog on a f*****g
  5. Haha first time is always quality. Good on you George
  6. Lasagne wedges an garlic bread for me
  7. Always thought you were an arse bandit
  8. The staffy that bushes and comes ratting with us excells in both! Great dog at the job
  9. I'm the only guy round here with a 2'' dick and a 6'' tounge and know how to use both o them :laugh:
  10. I've got one for a work phone.. Ring and text that's it no fancy gadgets worth mentioning. I remember falling out with a customer over the phone aroun 2 months ago and launching the phone of the 2nd tier of the scaffold in a mardy. Let's just say it bounced about 20 foot and it still working with no defects apart from a couple of scratches very very durable phone IMO
  11. how long does it take to work? Probably within a few hours, you wont notice unless the dog has a bad infestation as modern wormers just dissolve the worms internally. Yeah like moll says, you probably won't notice unless your dogs got some serious shit going down in there.
  12. What Fooking planet are you on brother?
  13. I use panacur everytime and it always seems to work
  14. When I'm walking around places where other people walk there dog and they ask me "are they Patterdales? My friends have one of them they always say there expensive arnt they". but why? I know why there expensive because idiots pay daft money for dogs which egg peddlars on to charge more. Y they always ask me if there patterdales I don't know?
  15. When I'm walking around places where other people walk there dog and they ask me "are they Patterdales? My friends have one of them they always say there expensive arnt they".
  16. Plummers are naturally quite ripped and muscley so gettin them to that stage is just plenty or work :wink:
  17. Tug, lead walks flirt pole. General exercise and a good diet
  18. I'm not been funny but if I paid £800+ for a dog I would want it working the field id want to hoovering ironing and making me tea every night and sparking me fags up. £800 there taking the piss and they need f*****g shooting.
  19. Isit blue? Makes all the difference you know
  20. let me worry about that I shant worry, but Joe public will be reading this thinking what the feck!!!!! As rocky says, if you have this land with numbers on you think you want to relocate, why not just lamp them, weird whats weird about it,,, cant keep lamping the same spot,,, weirdo Why not its got the quarry lamp it you ever hear of lamp shy Do you think they would lose their lampshyness once they have been relocated to the golf course? Doodle you certainly aint the sharpest tool in the box. But you are a tool nonetheless! Lol! Get a dog quick enough
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