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About L32

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Penicilan for infections?? Can yous it for all sorts smashed up dogs etc.
  2. Ive got a bottle its only a tena where im from but its not from the vets, all ways done the job for me its from a local house that sell everything for dogs.
  3. Me personally prefer the heavyer big headed types, but have ran racier bullxs in the past. ATB
  4. had a shite season this year done bits and bobs but not as much that i would of liked of, but next seasons got my name all over it got a pup and me old dog for next season and got the £££££s ready for a 4x4 carnt wait!
  5. anyone got a working springer or labrador bitch forsale. inbox me

  6. send me your number ill take him. if its still there like it ill be going to a good working home pal.. let me know?
  7. are you going to send me the number or what? ive messaged you but you not replying pal. i would of picked it up lastnight..
  8. send me your number then.
  9. no snow here yet like, think all have a walk out tonight.
  10. nice dog. had a cracking head on him mate atb
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