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hare hunter

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Everything posted by hare hunter

  1. the man i supply my rabbits to for his racing greyhounds told me that he was walking the greyhound in a big open field and a hare got up and she caught him the next day he took her out and intended on getting one and killed another one and he said she put 5 or 6 turns in them and then she went in for the kill
  2. thanks i was thinkin of getting one as all my permission is big open fields
  3. just out of curiosity anyone have a full greyhound they hunt with
  4. Ye triggers a good 1 thbffats what I called my first lurcher
  5. song for all us hunters ha ha

  6. now now lads were all hunters on this no fighting
  7. thanks danny ive only been lamping two or three years now but i love the hunting and the lurchers its great
  8. a mate told me the coat goes backwards on them
  9. i have a lovely little dog hes too small but im in ireland :cray:
  10. hi im only 15 and ive had the same two lurchers for the last 2 years . but one night while out lamping last year my dog slit her whole shin open and i had to bring her to the vets now ever sice that night ive been nothing but paranoid . everytime we go lamping i wont slip my dog in a field thats to steep of a drop off or has a wire fence in the middle of it with fear the dogs might get hurt touch would they wont but after every run i always have to examine the dogs feet and there walking some of you might find this humerous but am i the only one like this ? thanks
  11. my dogs are out EVERY day either lamping or mooching and on the weekends its either mooching or ferreting because ive no job and im still a school boy at 15
  12. it happend to my bitch last summer i took her to a greyhound specialist a week after he snipped the nail right back and gave me a bottle of this kind of healer you rub it on the toe twice daily it hardend up the bone in her toe but you can still see the bump ive never had any problems since
  13. Shes about six mate thanks iceman
  14. shes a collie whippet hound . i gave her good grub last night the only reason that i would be going back down to this ground to lamp her is that its excellant land and i only got permission to hunt it yesterday and i only have another week to hunt it because the livestock will be back out
  15. i just wanted to get your opinions on would it be safe to lamp a dog two nights in a row ? i got some new permission and i lamped it last night and ran 6 killed 4 i wanted to know would it be safe to run the bitch again tonight ? :hmm: thanks
  16. Off ferretin tomorrow :)

    1. tomano1


      Hope u have a good day mate ATB no1

    2. RubyTex


      Enjoy mate, jealous

    3. hare hunter

      hare hunter

      ha thanks lads ill take a few pictures

  17. try the chemists there the same batteries used in hearing aids
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