hi supersam we dug about half of them out being only a foot deep was not to bad,the last set near the car was seven foot though lol, my mate said dont do the one near the car its never easy i just wished i had listend
my mate has just got a pup out of showman and weardale lass its only 12 week but looks a nice thing, i work a non ped that did not make the grade on the track but is working very well, she is 34lb out of oscars pride and hellz bitch. good look on the track mate hope it makes a good one.
I have got a small beagle cross bitch, she is a very good working bitch and I am looking for the use of a stud preferably only half hound either teckle or beagle cross. She is on her third day of season, and I am willing to pay a stud fee or forfit pick of litter.