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Everything posted by ryballnben

  1. cheers bootsha!! my stuff arrived this morning thanks..ATB Ry.

  2. 4s not bad i would say average life span be around 5-7 yrs (AVERAGE) but i have had em live longer. Throw something terminal into the mix ie, cancer,kidney failure!! and the little lads not done that bad.. Good look with your next one ATB Ry.
  3. Just read about crash on m6,, Jesus thats hard to bear!! Really makes you grateful for what youve got,,my heart goes to that family today!.

  4. Thats good going bud pleased the dog is right well done to both !
  5. jesus that ground is f, u, c, k, i, n, g, rough !!! fair play to the mutt,, no injuries? id be letting mine away on that.. well done. ATB ry.
  6. KNow the feeling thought he was never gonna grow up! starting to wise up now tho hes a big powerful thing at 29/30 tts will run all day. Saluki grey,x Saluki,collie,grey
  7. As above just testing the water my father has a tx200 in great shape but a little heavy for him just seeing if any body fancies a swap for a lighter pcp.,, Cheers
  8. any pup jabs in north east pm details thanks.

  9. Hi used to be able to get them unfortunately dont know any body now, please pm with details thanks.ATB
  10. Lost last night near red row, this is my sisters dog giz a shout if you see owt cheers! Bout 23/24" bout 40/44 any sightings anything my sister is gutted ! her mobile 07724936107 cheers.
  11. Lost last night near red row, this is my sisters dog giz a shout if you see owt cheers! Bout 23/24" bout 40/44 any sightings anything my sister is gutted ! her mobile 07724936107 cheers.
  12. Lost last night near red row, this is my sisters dog giz a shout if you see owt cheers! Bout 23/24" bout 40/44 any sightings anything my sister is gutted ! her mobile 07724936107 cheers.
  13. Lost last night near red row, this is my sisters dog giz a shout if you see owt cheers! Bout 23/24" bout 40/44 any sightings anything my sister is gutted ! her mobile 07724936107 cheers.
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