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Everything posted by Sub-Moa

  1. Its illegal to crop ears here and even if was legal it has to be done as soon as they are born Is it coming from Cork as i seen a pic of a dog down there with cropped ears (think its from eastern europe) and he is BIG
  2. Personally i use sk hollow points, group well and hit well I found the winchester super x subs hit hard but dont group as well in my cz
  3. I dont know anything about Uk law But here in Ireland its illegal to dazzle (shine a lamp) on any animal except rabbits and foxs ( unless a section 42 for deer) and at that it cannot be done from a vehicle (moving or not) easpecially when on a public road. Over here if you drive and shine (from a public road) a lamp you can be done for it regardless if you have the permission for the land or not
  4. Not a keeper but IMO a keeper with a .22 can (in the right circumstances) take out 5 rabbits in less than 20secs but what dog could catch that many rabbits in that time let alone still be cheaper to feed (ie. feeding/keeping a dog vs a .22) There are many lurcher men who go out, do their bit and go home without a trace but going by alot of people on here, theyre are those who go out damage fencing, leave gates open and purposely try to hurt the keepers lively hood or the keeper themselves (if caught). If a keepers mentor has had bad experiences with lurcher men/poachers then its natur
  5. Summer, winter season or no season hares should be left alone If you dont like what i say grand, save yourself the time in posting back because i wont even read it It still suprises how this site can allow the blaten posting of illegal ativities since not only the poster but the site hosting the posts can be prosecutded Oh and this is thehunglife not the cousringlife before people complain about non dog men posting in this section
  6. Havent seen one shoot myself but id say ruger is your best best (still no guarentee) The .204 was designed/developed by hornady and ruger If ruger cant produce/sell a rifle that can stabilise the 40gr then they are at nothing
  7. Sub-Moa


    From the NARGC site
  8. A true 1:12 twist will stabilise the 40gr but the problem is that most manufactures end up releasing a twist that is slighty more than 1:12. Ive yet to see a 1:12 twist that doesnt stabilise the 39gr, if it doesnt shoot tight its down to either the shooter or the gun not the twist rate. The difference between the 39gr and the 40gr is that the 40gr has a slightly longer bearing surface, a 1:12 will stabilise the 39gr and the 45gr. Personally i would go for a 1:11 twist (with suitable chamber) if i was looking to stabilise the 40gr, i wouldnt go for a heavy round as i think it defeat
  9. no rangers here at night Deer must not be common there so if you dont have rangers out and about. Rangers and Guards are under pressure to catch poachers and deer killed illegaly Wicklow is one place where they are most active
  10. In the SOUTH only coursing events held by coursing clubs are legal (Clonmel etc) Going out into a field to course is illegal Using dogs on deer is also illegal Plus anywhere there are deer theres rangers (especially at night)
  11. It was 13 horses but still who ever done this or was involved are nothing but scum :censored: http://www.tv3.ie/news.php?video=31720&locID=1.2.141
  12. its legal. the coarsing clubs have their reserves n tag their hares so you just dont want to upset them is all im nearly sure its illegal to hunt hares without muzzles..? that sounds right actualy? where would you find out for sure? Its nothing to do with upsetting coarsing clubs its the fact that someone going into a field and coarsing hares is illegal. The coarsing clubs have to apply for a license to collect wild hares from the minister for enviroment (currenly John Gormley) then when at an event all dogs have to be muzzled and from what i gather vets and npws ra
  13. its legal. the coarsing clubs have their reserves n tag their hares so you just dont want to upset them is all im nearly sure its illegal to hunt hares without muzzles..? that sounds right actualy? where would you find out for sure? Its nothing to do with upsetting coarsing clubs its the fact that someone going into a field and coarsing hares is illegal. The coarsing clubs have to apply for a license to collect wild hares from the minister for enviroment (currenly John Gormley) then when at an event all dogs have to be muzzled and from what i gather vets and npws ra
  14. Hows it going, from Ireland and shoot both shotgun and rifle (mainly rifle), started with an air rifle though. Joined here to learn more about other aspects of fieldsports. Looking forward to chatting with some of ye in the future
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