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Everything posted by bigj

  1. hi all we have a patterdale bitch and need urgent help from a person who works terriers in sheffield area or south yorkshire need to try and find her a suitable home she is fupto date with vacinations and is chipped and it need to bewith the right person either message me on here or add me on facebook which is jim white and pm me on there as ill get the message faster there is an urgent reason why she needs to be rehomed which i will explain with anyone interested thanks jim
  2. do i buy a hw80 as a project gun or not

  3. hi again guys ive ordered nearly all my kit just have one more question which knot or knots do you use when tying hooks or line thanks bigj james
  4. thanks again for all the help ive just sorted out my fishing licence so just the rest to buy and then ill be fishing a few days a week maybe more thanks bigj james
  5. also i would like to have ago at pike fishing and carp fishing in the future once ive got used to basic coarse fishing thanks bigj james
  6. hi thanks for the help and replys i saw this combo advertised in a fishing catalouge http://www.chapmansangling.co.uk/chapmans-stillwaterokuma-micro-waggler-outfit~12175.html?&housecode=in0181 and to me it would do fine for what im after and its within rod and reel budget so what do you chaps think of this combo thanks bigj james
  7. im watching it and wish i was there lol thanks bigj james
  8. thanks again for the advice and info thanks bigj james
  9. thanks for all the replys and information also when fishing canals do you use a box or chair and do you take a basic small kit or a more comprehensive kit thanks bigj james
  10. roughly how much are terrier pups

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bigj


      just got to sort some cash for the pup and bits first so was just getting a rough idea of price


    3. wrighty17


      isnt there a litter on here mate

    4. bigj


      there is but im not after one at the moment


  11. hi to all on thl im going to start coarse fishing on local canal will be sorting out my rod licence soon just wondering what length float rod is best for float and maybe feeder fishing on the canal i havent done any fishing for a long time so am just looking for advice also is there any time of the year you can not fish on local canals or rivers thanks bigj james
  12. thinking about getting a terrier again maybe a border or jack or a x lakey pat

  13. is sat in new house taking it easy as feel rough even mate said you look rougher than me and ive had afew last night got help moving boxes and bits and the van should be here about 10am

  14. thanks again alll im going to give them a ring later illl be the one shooting a qb78 or a modded ratty when i go lol thanks bigj james
  15. when did they reopen and do they have a new website if so do you have a link you could post thanks bigj james
  16. thanks for that idelback is only a couple of miles from me which is perfect and the new price is even better thanks bigj james
  17. is still shocked as house opposite exploded this morning and just got back home after been evacuted this morning

    1. bigj


      they evacutated most of the street

      and i was with a lot of neighbours in a schoool most of today

    2. bigj


      yes atleast one hurt but alive not sure if anyone else was hurt


  18. really annoyed as local range shut down so now have knowwhere to shoot and just bought 2 rifles

  19. hi to all on thl does anyone know of any airgun ranges in sheffield near s9 as my local range idleback shooting range has shut down and im looking for somewhere just to plink and do some informal target shooting thanks bigj james
  20. pm sent thanks bigj james
  21. hi to all on thl i am looking for a crosman 1377 v3 or a new 1322 anything considered as its for a custom build i am planning pm me with any offers and please include postage thanks bigj james
  22. hi thanks for the reply they will be kept in double breeders in the house in a light and airy room with no draughts and will get peace and quiet and wont be bothered by anyone other than me thanks bigj james
  23. hi to all on the forum i am thinking about breeding canarys and am looking for advice and tips on there breeding and habits i plan to start with one or two pairs and see how i get on with them thanks bigj james
  24. thanks for the reply and info i would of had a couple the problem is i have no transport and its a bit far to travel for me thanks bigj james
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