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Everything posted by lemoncakes

  1. hello what is the going rate for a well bred cocker pup? kc registered but not docked
  2. price doesnt bother me cos its not expensive. it was just the fact the pups were all happy before docking and after they were making distressed squeks and the mum seemed upset that they were bloody. i did witness it they just cut there tails off with surgical scissors.
  3. the vet is happy to do them ive got the paper work and ive had others done but i just dont like the process. i know im being a wimp but it upsets me that the pups cry and the bitch gets distressed. but i suppose they dont remember it being done
  4. Hello im breeding my cocker to one of simon tyres stud dogs. would anybody consider buying one if the tail was not docked. i have sold 2 allready that are going to pet homes and feel a bit squeamish about the procedure. what do you guys think? would you work a spaniel with a full tail?
  5. im not sure yet im going to have a look in a couple of weeks. i was planning on using measydderwen scimitor but hes retired now just heard they were very good dogs and he seemed very knowledgable on the phone
  6. is it? im plannin on using one of stud dogs to cover my bitch and just wondered if i could learn anything from his book
  7. Hello just wondered if anybody had read this book and what they thought. also does anybody have a copy for sale? thanks
  8. Hi can anyone recommend a good dog trainer, bucks, oxon area? thanks
  9. hi everyone. im after some wheaten maran eggs and also some welsummers. ive got some lovely copper blue marans that lay a really dark egg. ive bought some off of ebay that im a bit dissappoined in. the eggs just look like a normal egg. does anybody have any that are from a real dark egg laying strain? same with welsumers. looking for that deep red?brown colour. thanks becky
  10. hi can anybody recommend a good gundog training book. i have a 18 month old cocker spaniel bitch. shes done the very basics. sit stay recall and is excellent at finding a tennis ball wherever i hide it. but has done no proper gun dog training as i dont have a clue where to start. shes pretty used to gun fire as i work right next to a clay shoot. i know ive left it a bit late but thought i would have a go. thanks
  11. ah cute yes get them a heat lamp or heat pad if you havent allready did you say both were boys? love the colour of them
  12. never seen that done before. when he says to prays the dog the guy strokes his arse
  13. i used to give her bones untill she managed to fracture a tooth and cost me alot of money to have it taken out! i could try gettng some chicken and things i suppose. but then she will just eat the chicken and leave the rest i should think. lttle bugger. she loves vegetables tho funny little dog.
  14. no idea. but not all vets will do it. and you have to be able to prove that they will be working dogs. so a gun licence or a letter from a gamekeeper or somethng lke that i think.
  15. in that case you definitly need to get it seen too. will be very senstive. wasnt too bad think it was about £140 didnt take them long they just took it straight out.
  16. i would get it checked because they do still feel the pain. especially if the nerve is exposed. also they can get and abcess inside the tooth. so best to have it taken out or filled. i had my pups tooth removed cos she did the same thing. broke it in half chewing a brick!! i noticed because she went off her food and had smelly breath. good luck, becky
  17. she gets fed twice a day. i really wanted to just keep her on dry food. so she was on a cup of wainwrights in the morning and a cup in the evening. but she was hardly eating any of it. just picking. i got some james welbeloved pouches and mixed that in and she seems to like that alot more. think she is starting to put on weight
  18. lovely dog. i thought about giving burns a go. do they stock a working dog food? thnk ineed something with more protien but less bulk. thanks
  19. hello, was after some advice. i have a 1 yr cocker spaniel. ive been feeding her wainwrights complete dry food since day one and she lookes very healthy has a lovely shiney coat and loads of energy. however she doesnt seem that intereted in food. quite a slow picky eater. she is quite small about 15 inches but only weighs 10.1. bit concerned because about 6 weeks ago she was 11.5 kg. she has loads of excercise so i tried to cut it down thinking she was burning too many calores but then she just wanted to play all night. not sure what i should try. ive tried mixing in tin meat to make
  20. hi how many inches to the shoulder does he stand? how much is the stud fee and where abouts are you? i want to breed my cocker but not untill next year. but have been having a look around allready. i dont want anything too small. thanks pics would be good also
  21. in the first instance i use hibiscrub,you might also treat for ear mites just in case atb ryan i would get some frontline spray from the vet. maybe lice.
  22. very smart. is there a way to fit a padlock so you can lock them in?
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