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Everything posted by beddycross

  1. they will all be good dogs in the [bANNED TEXT] hands but you cant go wrong with a beddy greyhound (beddy dog over greyhound bitch) they are the buisness
  2. the duck is broken wehhey :boogie: :gunsmilie:
  3. would love to say feck the ban i think its white collar bullshit but at the end of the day until its either withdrawn or changed in the hunters favour lets just try and keep things as legitamate as possible it puts more wind up the anti's skirts than anything else :tongue2: :boogie:
  4. read it its all red tape and bullshit and im amazed how many aspects of this crap legislation are not very clear You mean like (only a soft dog should be use below ground) So i think what they mean by that is the dog's not meant to touch the fox below ground, so if that is the case you cant use a lurcher to hold! How can you tell if a dog is soft????????????????? but the way its put, i think your meant to make your own mind up whats right from wrong!! I take it you can still course anything you want, just got to shoot it up the arse 1st!! Its all a f*****g joke! you can run a rabbit
  5. beddy whippet first cross will chuck you a little cracker
  6. seen 21 inch and 22 inch bullx do stuff single handed so why not a big one ??????
  7. read it its all red tape and bullshit and im amazed how many aspects of this crap legislation are not very clear
  8. i alsothought this be an act against the ban but on the other hand with so many flaws in this ban wouldnt it be the case that you are not chasing said foxy with your dog and therefore not ( coursing) ,,, being that the coursing is the illegal part of using a lurcher to catch foxy.. in my mind whats the difference between using my terrier to get it out the hole or letting my lurcher do the very same thing. ???????????????????
  9. if you have a fox to ground (on permission of course) i understand that you must only use one terrier and then shoot old reynard when he is dug but would it be against the so called hunting ban to use your lurcher to hold said foxy or to draw it before it is shot ??????????? :hmm: :hmm:
  10. sleep when your dead is the motto young man !!!! good show
  11. beddy whippet first cross are a class act they the best all round rabbittin dogs as they are great over any ground and whoever says they are short on pace is a complete fool i would defo recommend a first cross for any keen rabbitin man and if you dont spoil them they will take bigger prey just maybe not on there own , make no mistake they are harder than they look .......................................mines bread from a pedigree beddy bitch and a racer called milo that won everything up and down the country and she is a cracker . first and only litter will be coming spring 2011 as she is 4
  12. hell yeah out tonight gonna stomp the fields good tonight !! not many nights when the moon is up that you get a good breeze and plenty cloud cover!!! Make the most of it doggy men. (women to dont want to sound sexist)..................
  13. Does anyone know if a jumped toe can be fixed ?
  14. Does anyone know if a jumped toe can be fixed ?
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