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Everything posted by leeroy

  1. When my dogs are young I take them to a mates farm when his ewes have lambs at foot, a ewe will defend her lamb , I take my dogs in with the ewe and she will defend her lamb. If your dog gets a bit close she will go to butt the dog this is normaly enough to teach the dog respect sheep . If your dog is still a bit to keen let the ewe give it a belt not to rough just enough to make your dog keep clear of sheep.
  2. Cheers Snap in a few weeks time time I am picking up a new rifle stock and there is going to be one there to have a look at so will let you know what its like in the flesh .
  3. Is any one using or had a play with one of the third eye tactical sparton sound mods, I have two wildcat mods they are well made and work well , but the sparton is a bit lighter so im told just wondering what you think ?.
  4. Daystate Airwolf if you want to go the whole hog very very nice!.
  5. KG cleaner is the best cleaner I have ever used, if that wont shift it you may have a pitted bore.
  6. No problem, tablio AG10 realy good, see if you can have a shine with one I was impressed , as for globle stear clear if I were you if you punch in globle in the search bar on here there will be loads come up all of it not good.
  7. Do a search on here for Globle and see some of the comments. This light is not good, I had one cheap and nasty for a lot of money. Go for a Tablio AG10 real good bit of kit ,not cheap but very good I use one on a 22.250 , but do your self a faver and look them up.
  8. I would send it back to where you had it from there should be some cover left on it if you had it from new, most guns come with at least 12 months I would have thought. By saying take some sand paper to the chamber is prob not a good idea, good luck .
  9. Show us some picks then sounds like it will be a looker.
  10. Cheers for that I will try and pick one up first of the e bay it any one hears of one please let me know cheers again all.
  11. Idleback chair, has any one got one and are they any good ?. I am going to build a benchrest shooting table and will need a stool along the lines of this one that can be adjusted for hight . Is there anything as good as this that would do the job and is a bit cheaper .
  12. I got some Lupa 223 once fired if you are intrested PM me
  13. I made it up there on monday , I must say they do a good job they will make you anything at all stock wise . In the end I have ordered a A5 style stock in fibreglass With a marble finish colour of my choice adjustable cheek and a recoil pad off my choice ,slightly shorter length as I use a wild cat mod so this will be a custom build made as I want it to fit me . Basic price is 250 and then you can change and build it as you want it , they also will make a carbon fibre one off if thats what you desire. But from what I have seen they do look well made .
  14. As long as its up to the job ie most are tested and will say on them what they will fit . Your avarage air rifle mod will stand up to very light pressure that a rim fire will put out just make sure you have it on your ticket.
  15. Relax just try and be normal thats all they are looking for . As long as you have the reason to have and a place to use and your of this planet you will be fine keep cool good luck.
  16. If you clean it that often you will more than likley do more damage to the bore than any thing, I would give it a clean and shoot it . If you are going to a range and plan on zaping off loads I would clean 20 then say 50 and just now and then. Enjoy your new gun .
  17. Hes shot him self in the foot no pun intended , if he had told them if ,he was lucky might have got it . I think he has shown the police he can not be trusted , I would just forget the tenner .
  18. They are a good rifle , I have had one, the trigger can be heavy but with a bit of work I got mine to be much lighter and crisp and shoot better, but there are no adjustments on this trigger . My Cz was every bit a shooter as the Sako Finfire that I have now . They are a simple rifle with not a lot to go wrong that shoot well and are fairly cheap I would have another if I needed one. My rifle had also been cut down and still shot well.
  19. Yes will do , they will inlet any of there stocks for an 85 so should be a bit of choice . I have told him I want to handle a few and he said no probs so will let you know what I think on monday fingers crossed as not a lot of choice out there for my rifle.
  20. Inletting plus bed for a A5 style in fiber glass I think he said was about 500 all done ready to go.
  21. I am thinking off going for a look has any one got one off there stocks ? and what do you know about them are they any good . I have been looking around and there is not a lot of choice for a Sako 85 in 22-250 , but they will inlet any of there stocks composit or fiberglass. I must say they dont look bad at all. What do you think!.
  22. I am glad you think the same as I do its a real good bit of kit , have fun with it happy shooting
  23. A farmer told me its a mite that causes this he also said best way to get rid of it is blast water in there as this kills them off , worth a go I would give them all a good wetting nothing to lose.
  24. I am looking for a Mcmillan stock to fit a Sako 85 in 22-250, if there is any about for sale I would like to see some picks if poss please. Sorry about title computer mucking about and I cant edit it.
  25. What do you want to use it for dog/rifle etc
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