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top hunter kyle

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Everything posted by top hunter kyle

  1. i have the brother to this dog from him and they are good lurchers listens to everythink i say ,
  2. thanks everyone im thinking a bout a blitz but i was just wondering because iv got a pup the dam is a saluki bull greyhound and sire is saluki whippet greyhound
  3. the fields around here are diffrent sizes like some small but mainly big
  4. alright lads and lasses just wanting to know what lamps you use for the rabbbit and the long ears as i am buying a new one in january , thanks
  5. put some pics on of mum and dad of the black pup i had of you , cheers

  6. waiting to go out but snow and frost keeping me in :(

  7. nice pup mate why not call her queeny , alb with her , let us no what you call her
  8. sorry to hear that iv not long lost my dog out lamping he hit a fence and broke his back i no how it feels but they always say nothink good lasts forever , keep your chin up mate
  9. iv had three of these and they are top class mate if you get a good one they are a good one
  10. my dog is 16 week and his legs bend out wards i would just like advice because iv got him 4 good work and i would like to no if it will affect his profamance
  11. right im just wondering what is cow legged is it bad for your dog or dosent it really matter i would just like all off your opinions as iv got a new pup and my dad said he thinks it might be cow legged , thanks
  12. iv added you because this is the person who had the black dog off you thanks mate

  13. i no mate he was just getting to be good but i guess it was too good to be true how good he was coming on
  14. it is hard isnt it mate sorry to hear about your dog pal
  15. out about a month ago with my mates and taking the eight and a half month pup out for its 5 time but as my mates dog was chasing a rabbit my dog pulled out of his collar and started to chase but soon after he took a wild turn and his back legs went from underneath him and he hit a fence and broke his back and took skin off his neck then about 30 mins later he died in the vets R.I.P GUS XX
  16. sorry to hear that mate iv not long just lost a lurcher he died out laming i no how it feels
  17. how do you make a photo album on here i carnt find how to do it

  18. did you go out last night mate ?

  19. hello mully what you up to like ?

  20. what does anywone think about saluki bull greyhound x saluki whippet greyhound , is this a good all rounder ?

  21. i think that a good allrounder would be whippet x greyhound with a hint of collie in it
  22. what does anyone think about a whippet x greyhound how good do you think they are ??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tb25


      bit of beddy in there or collie

    3. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      there good x you wont go wrong ive beddy/whip/greys and there spot on

    4. top hunter kyle

      top hunter kyle

      ye thanks i just wanted to no if my dog was a good breed thanks

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