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About websid

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    west mids
  • Interests
    knitting,flower arranging,bible studies ????????
  1. websid


    Anyone bother to watch this last night. http://www.itv.com/itvplayer/video/?Filter=198443
  2. Think of the humiliation of watching England kicked out in the first round on our own turf
  3. i dont think i'd beleive it either if someone told me,i mean what are the chances? especially considering i go there regularly and have never seen a single deer there before. Did the chubby guy have a white beard ? Did any of the the deer have a red nose ?
  4. In this day and age the Krays would be fecked,they did understand the value of life in their time and used to it their advantage that's where they got their rep from. In these days of mass immigration from countries where life is cheap they would have been fecked. It's all history anyway so leave it there
  5. a real gangster Get your self down to Brum, there's plenty of them there for you to worship
  6. I wouldnt call it " idolise " but i certainly respect the fact that 2 not particularly bright young lads from an extremely poor background were able to make the most of what they had and create the makings of a better life.... " Shaw and Mclean were hardly Wyatt Earp "........were they supposed to be then ? .....only folk from this area in that era would understand the shit and poverty men tried to rise above in those days,if that meant bending a few laws then that was the best option for many folk. I agree you cant compare crimes/crime rates same as you cant compare sentancing etc
  7. Watch your nuckles then
  8. God bless them and congratulations to the whole family Hope they have a great day
  9. Beat me to it thank f**k i'm not the only one that remembers them, bet there's a few on here thinking what the f**k is a raleigh chopper feckin great lumps of crap, have you still got two bollox ?
  10. websid


    says the guy thats been on here how long? oh no i forgot your a messing twat so this is your _th account your the only one that would make anyone leave this site, can you seriously still not see it: a fellow member asks about a certain breed of dog because he is interested in his sport and wants to learn and gain knowledge on this breed and you jump down his throat, ruin his whole thread and say he should get the dog if he wants to know about the breed. you've had over 5 decent members tell you that your being an idiot and that your in the wrong and you still go on! Jus
  11. websid


    says the guy thats been on here how long? oh no i forgot your a messing twat so this is your _th account your the only one that would make anyone leave this site, can you seriously still not see it: a fellow member asks about a certain breed of dog because he is interested in his sport and wants to learn and gain knowledge on this breed and you jump down his throat, ruin his whole thread and say he should get the dog if he wants to know about the breed. you've had over 5 decent members tell you that your being an idiot and that your in the wrong and you still go on! Jus
  12. websid


    Chicken Shite, gobby Shite You are not a hunting man and you never will be........you're not even a man so just go away little boy
  13. websid


    I'll PM you a location date and time little boy but I bet you can't get there anyway unless it's in smack head distance or on your BMX
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