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Everything posted by barnacle

  1. Some people have asked if theres a Bullx class yes there is ! also Bed X, Collie X, Working and under 21"
  2. Hope weather cheers up for the 15th !! there is also a licensed bar and food on the field!
  3. I went too poor turn out didnt help when Terrier Judge picked a dog he bred as champ ! didnt even bother getting my dogs out of car and went home!
  4. Show starts 1pm , free entry, £2 per class, ringside parking, refreshments all usual classes under 21 " rabbiting, collie x, bed x, working, entered etc.. dog food for winners and trophies to keep!
  5. Barlow Foxhounds are holding a Terrier & Lurcher Show at the kennels Holmesfield S18 7WE its a qualifier for Pride of the Peaks, NLRC, NWTF and Heart of Wales 2013 all usual classes. Anyone wanting to bring a stall let me know ! more details nearer the Day!
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