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Everything posted by barnacle

  1. I dont want to start the slanging match off again but who was judging ?
  2. This might sound a silly question ! but who did win ?
  3. Please come along and support our local hunt !
  4. Barlow Hunt are holding a Terrier and Lurcher Show on Sunday 28th of July at The Kennels, Cordwell Lane, Barlow, Derbyshire S18 7WE. Showing starts at 1pm there will also be straight racing and coursing which starts at 8.30 am. There is also an open clay pigeon shoot on the day ! Bar and food served in the marquee throughout the day. any info please call Steve 07828059718
  5. Is there a Terrier show here on sunday ? our whipper in seems to think so! has anyone any info?
  6. Great weekend!! The winner of the coursing celebrated by drinking "17" pints of local ale!!!
  7. They cant feel like worthy winners what do they get out of it? is it just chasing qualifiers, arse licking, pup swapping or what ? i have got to the point where i pull on the field see what tit walks in the ring then look whos parked around it put two and two together turn around and go home it makes a mockery out of the time and effort the organisers have put in !
  8. Went but shouldnt have bothered ! didnt show a dog as judge picks his mate as champ EVERYTIME and the rest of the show was OK if your into chainsaws!
  9. Dont think we will make it as cant get before 10 and we have too many dogs and children to leave the car! shame nice show good luck with it hope it goes well
  10. Has anyone got any details about this show wondered if it was worth going to?
  11. Will be there! is it still £20 a car? really enjoyed it last year!
  12. Glad its back on!!! will be there supporting your good cause!
  13. Cant wait !!! this is a lovely show and well run lots of other attractions as well always enjoy it a real old fashioned country show!! not to mention THOSE VIEWS!!!!!!! hope the weathers good for you Nip2
  14. I have qualified with 4 Terriers and havent received anything! although last year was the same even though the lurcher got theres through!
  15. Please note if you are coming on Sunday DO NOT follow the black & white signs saying Barlow Show ! these are for the pony club at Bakewell thanks!
  16. Field looks OK so far! fingers crossed for weather to stay fine!
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