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darren watson

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Everything posted by darren watson

  1. a bit of folded green card out the back of a rizla packet placed on the mounts under the front of the scope!
  2. well, I've told all my "real life" friends so I might as well tell you lot. Our lass, Gina, is up the duff I'm over the moon!! (as well as about a thousand other emotions!) we've not even had the first scan yet so don't know what we're getting. I might start shopping around for a HW 25 in advance anyway! Cheers Darren.
  3. I reckon a couple of hours sketching a nice design then dremel-ing it into the stock then re-finishing it with oil/wax would give it a personal touch, brighten it up and give it some grip. i suppose it might take some effort to get a "professional" appearance but it would be worth it, although it might affect its re-sale value if you ever wantid rid.
  4. I personally love the part where he reverts back to the classic "Graham Illiterate Ranting"!
  5. my mates constantly kicking his self about selling up, and now he's on about buying his third rifle, which'll probably end up been sold for next to nowt when the weather turns or he's short of a few quid. Fk that for a game of soldiers, I'd rather have my rifle sat in a corner gathering dust than not have it at all, saying that, buying it was a one off and it'll be a fair while before i could replace it. as said before just give it a break for a bit, unless moneys no object and you can actually afford to just nip out and buy it all again if you wanted to.
  6. I wish I had the money for this, I want that stock and scope on my multishot! Looks like your having a job shifting it mate.
  7. looks a nice piece of kit that good luck wi sale.
  8. I think i heard once that de-gunking your barrel/lubing your pellets can possibly help your pellets fly out above 12 ft/lbs. as a rule of thumb I'd get it chronoed afterwards, just to be safe.
  9. http://www.(!64.56:886/pages/John-Bowketts-Official-Fan-page/178352388876311
  10. Seeing that lovely walnut laid out on what look like hard, abrasive floor next to the wheelbarrow goes right through me!!
  11. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1000Lm-CREE-XM-L-T6-LED-Flashlight-Torch-18650-Charger-/350464193676?pt=UK_SportsLeisure_Camping_LightsLanternsTorches&hash=item51994b348c
  12. I love it, is all water off a ducks back to me. way I see it, If your offended by banter, either man up, take it on chin and chuck some back or do one with your dummy out and ignore it. I love a good wind up as much as next bloke but if it gets too personal/annoying its easy to just walk away cos people can see when your biting and chuck more fuel on't fire. its up to the individual to calmly say "I've had enough" and jog on if their that bothered. also there's nowt worse for a wind up merchant than for him to be ignored. Im now off to read this lamping thread someone put me a link o
  13. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43423785/ns/world_news-weird_news/
  14. well after a bit of searching im up to roughly 105 quid for V-mach kit, and a gun blue and stock finishing kit. Anyone know of anyone who'll be able to fix the sidelever and barrel?
  15. and how old is it? and what calibre is it? and what scopes are on it? and what condition is it in? and does it come with a pump or bottle? and will you post or is it face to face only?
  16. Holy Jesus! I've been waiting for these photo's with baited breath. how much did it cost? "sorry, just read, 70 quid!"
  17. eyup chaps. my mates got a knackered old Diana mod 52 lying around not doing owt, so im mulling over trying to have it off him (mates rates, of course) for a refurb project. The barrel/shroud for some reason is CHROME??(looks like an old hoover pipe!) and turns very easily, the side-arm is disconnected from where it should be riveted to the action (the rivets or whatever that hold it on, the flattened heads have come off) it needs re-blueing, a new adjustable butt bad and it twangs like hell so probably needs new internals too. i dont think the stock is original as it has a cheekpiece that loo
  18. easy, keep the falcon and buy a '95 anyway! I plan on having a HW95 to accompany my falcon one day (if funds/the missis will ever allow it!) Could really do with a springer so i dont have to worry about running out of air now the days are longer and camping on the permission is a possibility. in regards to your question, the '95 I've heard, is a fantastic rifle, although I've never shot one. I would also recommend a Webley Stingray or a HW90K.
  19. shit when this happens, I had my first rifle stolen in a burglary. now every time i leave the house i expect to come home to find it robbed again. Whats scary is, the type of people that rob houses are exactly the type of people that should never be allowed near weapons of any kind. My advice would be to contact all the local gunshops and give them the serial number if possible, same with gunstar, guntrader etc.. I eventually found my stolen rifle on the wall of my local gunshop when i went in to buy another with the insurance money! I hope to god the rifle gets found before it gets misuse
  20. A guy my mate works with recently told him "My mate once shot his .177 90 yards at a bus stop and it were powerful enough to go through it!" some people just think everything that looks like a rifle HAS to be powerful enough to bring down deer, usually chavvy twts.
  21. what did you end up with out of interest? happy shooting with whatever you got anyway Darren.
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