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Everything posted by turbo28

  1. if it seems healthy put it straight in,got a new hob the other day and put it in with my jills,got on straight away,the only time ive seen a fight is when my brother put a new hob in with a another,so shouldnt be a problem.atb
  2. i use small jills,so not to disturb purse nets other than that,get them young and work them they'll get better with experience and dont forget a locator it'll make life easier.atb
  3. i use a small jackrussel,great sense of smell,small n tough,get in most places rabbits get.
  4. your avatar is ur pic at the side kid what ppl see in the forum,ur profile is at the top,and ur signature is what will be below ur pic,like mines "if it kills,it thrills"so add yasel ya motto

  5. work work work,roll on the weekend,out with me new lurcher

  6. i totally agree,my ferret and dogs come first,always
  7. got our new lurcher today,collie greyhound/whippet 5 months old,looking forward to her teaching me a few things,she's mine and my brothers first one,any advice?
  8. cheers 4 that,i'll phone the vet tommorow.
  9. you can get a jill jab from the vets to get her out of heat are get a vasectomized hob to bring her out of heat save you having kits you mite not get rid of
  10. Pure idiotic behavior,maybe they couldnt catch nothing,got bored and thats why they shot the horses.
  11. Im not breeding for more ferrets,i was told i had to line them in there first heat,is this true?
  12. Sounds like a great days ferreting,nice one
  13. How old will my jills be when they have there first heat? and will i be to just buy a hob and put it straight in with them?i'd appreciate the advice.
  14. My jack russel used to be ok with ferrets when younger,now however i have a couple of new white redeyed jills who my jack russel keeps going for,he's now 18 months old and great in every other way,i would like to know if anyone knows if this behavior is reversable or am i stuck with it,thanks
  15. my ferrets are ok with my brothers dogs so it not them,my jack russel used to go out with polecates and he uused to be fine,he's normally quite good,he's just took a disliking to my white/red eyed jills.
  16. my jack russel is a bit ify with my ferrets,he's 18 months,can i sort him out or will he always be like this?
  17. ive just payed 40 pounds for a greyhound collie cross,which i think is very reasonable considering the ridiculous prices of dogs on general,but i'd pay up to 150 for a decent lurcher.
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