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Everything posted by turbo28

  1. i fed mine cat food when i couldnt get out hunting but my mate told me to keep an eye out for fresh road kill,so mine have been enjoying alot of pheasent recentley.
  2. doesnt matter how many you got mate,as long as you enjoyed it!!! best day i ever had only got 4 but had a brilliant day.
  3. i would personally use them at this age,others may not....do you have any experienced ferrets to work with them?
  4. so do you think a hungry ferret will hunt better than a full ferret?
  5. who's to say who is the best dog,i have a colliegreyhound/whippet,but still prefer my jack russell for ferreting..thanks for the replys though.
  6. dont lose faith,lost a polecat in dense undergrowth a couple of year back when out,a week later in the same area she came bouncing back to us!make sure theres food out and fingers crossed,good luck
  7. Just curiouse to know,if and what kind of dog you'se guy and girls use when ferreting for marking ,chaseing down etc,i use a minature jack russel,18 months old,i know poeple use lurchers to,would appreciate everyones input please!!
  8. roger,is youre friend a cat?????????
  9. Got a 1 black one out of twenty up in the peninnes on a friends permission,looked like it come out of a pet shop mate
  10. Thanks,ive come to the conclusion that its down to experience,i'll keep on feeding them,again thanks for the input,really appreciated!!
  11. how big are youre jills mate,mine slip through my nets lovely,maybe shifting th odd one,the smaller the better i say!!
  12. get him out working [bANNED TEXT],probably help settle him after he's chased a few bushy tails lol
  13. I have two albino jills about 8 months old,i take them out with a friend with polecats 4 yrs old,now my friend doesnt feed his the day before,i however feed mine as normal,my friends polecats are obviously more experienced,but what ive noticed is his seem to start working straight away(in the morning),where as my ferrets seem to take a while to get on with the job at hand(they tend not to go as deep,until later in the day,running in and out constantly)do you think this is purely down to less experience or should i starve them before a hunt and if so,how long?im interested to know other ferrete
  14. i dont know how fit you are mate,but when im not hunting i jog and sprint with my dogs,off road, they love it,they get just as exited,they love it and it means you can keep them in condition all year round,i was out on a friends permission with him and his two lurchers,i brought along my 18 month old jack russel minature,six n a half hours in and the lurchers were feeling it while my little dog was still raring to go,and it'll benefit you,and its more fun running with your dogs,cos there always up for it and never LET YOU DOWN!
  15. nice set up,ya ferrets are beautys mate,well done
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