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Everything posted by mully

  1. ferreting in the morning hopefully :D

  2. any body been out this weekend ??

    1. john*


      yes but it was shit lol


    2. mully


      why what you get ??

  3. wants to go out for a run with the dogs in the morning but every one round here are lazy fuckers !!!

  4. was good wernt it if there was a bit of wind we could of had more but ah well good enuf ey
  5. hmmm to go lamping or not ???

  6. good night last night 27

  7. wants to go lamping tonight

  8. might go for a run tonight but could do with the wind picking up

    1. trooperman


      are you wind assisted then

    2. mully


      no but its better with a bit of wind

  9. belting wind for it batteries charged might go out tonight

  10. might go out for a run tonight

  11. winds up but my batteries are f****d

  12. alright night 13 and 3 of themwere black

  13. any body selling any purse nets

  14. shall i go or not???

    1. ecostorm


      In two mind's mi self, battery's charged and dog need's to go out anyway!

    2. mully


      i just went for a walk in the end

  15. like daylight outside carnt wait for that moon to disappear

  16. ferreting in a bit

  17. off out longnetting now

  18. might go ferreting lets hope it doesnt rain

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