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Everything posted by Pedwar

  1. Big deal.....they kill white people on our streets in broad daylight and no-one gives a shit enough to do anything about it, no-one cares if someone dont get a job because of these people, except for some ranting on internet sites, theyve got us just where they want us
  2. A show thats gone seriously downhill, JMHO
  3. Thieving is second nature to the dirty b*****ds
  4. Pedwar

    Scummy Fcuks

    . Get shagging. Ped thats an order !!!!!! Ive done my bit..
  5. Pedwar

    Scummy Fcuks

    With current breeding rates whites will be a minority in the UK in less than 50 years
  6. got to agree. if you dig it up just to let it go you dont have a leg to stand on when Mr Townie comes along and says its cruel because your only doing it for your own pleasure imo. either do the job properly or dont do it at all. too many people take the sport to heart it's not a job,,,,,, it's a HOBBY,,,,, you don't shoot yourself on the foot for the next time when hunting and if you do kill/shoot all try put back in what you take out it keeps the circle going your never going to dig to every single fox in the are in one winter anyway are you? If you were out with the terriers
  7. Pedwar

    Scummy Fcuks

    Take some time to read this, its an eye opener, http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3735/britain-islamic-future
  8. Why does it cost 20 quid more to ensure a good home for a bitch
  9. Too many around the hole for my likeing, nice easy dig and respect to them for the release, no need to kill everything
  10. How f***ing thick do these antis think we are, when they were pushing for a ban on hunting with dogs shooting was the be all and end all, safe, humane etc, now it comes to shooting badgers they come out with this piss ; http://uk.news.yahoo.com/badger-cull--cruelty-concerns-badgers-die-from-starvation-infection-brian-may-gloucestershire-somerset-june-1-defra-101554288.html#VdaZfRd
  11. WOW!! You must be the oldest member on here and the oldest resident in the world as it was first outlawed in 1850, even more so in 1911 and again in 1935. Funny how bTB was only first documented in this country in the 1950's so I don't know how your numbers stack up, maybe in your extremely old age you forget these dates. So badger digging was outlawed nearly 100yrs before bTB came to this island. The first badger to be found with bTB was in 1971. You need to learn to read My apologies sir. No problem mate
  12. WOW!! You must be the oldest member on here and the oldest resident in the world as it was first outlawed in 1850, even more so in 1911 and again in 1935. Funny how bTB was only first documented in this country in the 1950's so I don't know how your numbers stack up, maybe in your extremely old age you forget these dates. So badger digging was outlawed nearly 100yrs before bTB came to this island. The first badger to be found with bTB was in 1971. You need to learn to read When was badger digging legal in your books then and when did bTB come here? As you put "virtually unheard
  13. WOW!! You must be the oldest member on here and the oldest resident in the world as it was first outlawed in 1850, even more so in 1911 and again in 1935. Funny how bTB was only first documented in this country in the 1950's so I don't know how your numbers stack up, maybe in your extremely old age you forget these dates. So badger digging was outlawed nearly 100yrs before bTB came to this island. The first badger to be found with bTB was in 1971. You need to learn to read
  14. I dont understand the politics or science of BTB or the culling of badgers, what I do know is when badger digging was legal bovine TB was virtually unheard of in the areas where we controlled badgers by digging them, 25-30 yrs ago everyone who knew anything about badgers said protecting them would cause problems, not just TB. Badger digging in a humane manner was the best way of controlling badgers.
  15. We wouldnt need H4H if we booted out all the filth who are here bleeding OUR NHS dry
  16. He's come on leaps and bounds during interviews, Tommy that is
  17. https://www.(!64.56:886/officialbritainfirst?hc_location=stream
  18. Dug more in a morning No 4-where do you dig that many in a morning and what country?or do you mean pre 78-in the Land of Our Fathers?LOL Bitchie was good enough to put some pics up WHERE IT IS LEGAL WORK and give an honest answer and it turns in to a how bigs your cock boyo? atb Been digging a long time memorys not what it was bout an hour from your front door
  19. Sorry lads I'll retract my earlier statements Im out of my depth here
  20. Never said it was a big deal either, just think its pathetic that a terrier that averages single figures throughout its career can be classed as a well tested animal
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