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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. hi there look forwards to hearing what you have to say. :welcomeani: :thumbs-up: :welcomeani:
  2. Fox hunter ever seen long range rabbit control done with .22-250,winchester 55 grn ballistics.i believe its what they call across the pond THE RED MIST awesome,not that i would ever do it of course, ,but if i did it would be most effective at around yds onwards on a cold morning or evening (lots of steam) so im told. :whistle:
  3. Congratualtions Ditch shitter! one more year to go and you get your letter from the queen according to your profile! As it says your DOB is 31 12 1907. You said you were off down pub for a couple, will you use your free bus pass? Happy Birthday.
  4. Glad to see that it isnt only my two bitches that like smoked samon! They dont restrict their theiving habits to Christmas however! If it is left unsupervised then as far as they are concerned it is fair game. Of course the older bitch swears she has had nothing to do with it but I am sure she didnt just sit there as the 9 month old pup demolished 2 pasties and 2 sausage rolls!! Think it was payback because went out to pub without them!!! PS According to the good Mr Plummer this is what lurchers were famed for!!!! Pinching not samon Happy new year everyone
  5. Yesterday evening shot the first mangey fox that weve had for about two years, we went through a spell down here about four or five years ago where every other one had it. back then though they were almost certainly dumping in our area, as these were totally stupid, you could light up a field see five foxes looking gormless and shoot the poor buggers straight off. They dont seem to dump them around here anymore,thank god, it really was a job that left a bad taste in your mouth. Anybody else still seeing mangey foxes or evidence of dumping them.
  6. fair play, thats a hell of a nice looking net, any idea how many hours went into it, only i have just convinced my wife to stop making purse nets and give this a go, only in hemp. Also you said it was a hundred,what bag hundred or fifty.Tell you, if i made a beauty like that i think i would be afraid to use it.
  7. yeah shepp, you can find the ones on nothing toxic.com or humoron.com, you will have to go back through a few pages though, hope you got a lot of time, full of stuff to look at.
  8. second what ditch said, true if you can keep your head above water for the first few years you should then be alright. the funny thing is people think you just walk around shooting things all day,WRONG,your crawling around in dirty kitchens,checking rodent baits ,cleaning pigeon sh.t off ledges before you proof them,filling out reems of paperwork,cosh,selling your self to people who dont want pest prevention but have to have it.Dont let anyone tell you word of mouth is enough , you have to advertise,its becoming more cut throat every year, currently i average about three and a half thousand a
  9. ds that was before i started pestin so i have no information on old boxes,however another forum i am on would be right up your street plenty of x rentos on there.you should be able to gleen what you need and more.the site is called the pest control forum,any problems with it give me a shout.
  10. hi there,just looked it up on abe,theres a paperback copy going in the states 14 dollars so about 9 or 10 quid delivered to uk,think i might give it a whirl,been slacking on the reading front recently.
  11. hi there, cant say i have ever had a huge example of any species, but what i have noticed this year is the amount of fat in the deer especially fallow,most of them you can barely make out the kidneys where they are so full of it.suppose it must be the amount of food around this year.one other thing is a rabbit job i did recently on the coast there was one area the rabbits were eating a lot of gorse roots and bark,the fat inside of them was bright yellowy orange,weird as hell ,they looked radioactive!!!
  12. hi there,see you are using stainless,synthetic. i was hoping to get up to scotland end of next year as a paying gun on the hind cull,trouble is a friend of mine who has been up says s/s is very frowned upon ,all of my rifles are like this because i use them for a living.could you shed some light on this matter please?
  13. two ways i use when cage trapping whether its rats squirrels mink etc,i have a sheridan .20 cal co2 pistol very quick,or a hessian sack fitted snug around the entrance lift door with bent wire give inmate a poke,shoots into corner of sack administer last rights with stout piece of stick, my preferance hazel or ash a bout12 inches long. ps you mentioned the other day about woodja selling dvds where could i get one from? CHEERS
  14. Ever since canadas went on the list i get calls from golf courses,holiday parks etc,all sensetive areas,they want them gone but dont want anyone to know. .22 rimfire subsonics,very early or last light ,head shots only and still they flap around for a good while,very tenacious of life. Air rifles no way up for the job,also very importantly they are on the open general licence but you must be able to prove good reason for culling them.
  15. would very much like to contact woodja about different methods of rabbit snaring,if my memory serves me correctly there was an article or a letter in country mans weekly recently regarding advice given by glenn waters on this subject which got me wondering. would be very greatfull if you could spare some time to reply.
  16. bought a couple of quick set nets back in the summer,getting on very well with them because i can set them up real quick by myself,have to because a lot of the tight wads i work for wont pay for a second pair of hands.anyway they are great (in my opinion) but terrible expensive.so was wondering if anyone out there had made their own or new where to geat cheap components etc , any information or pics greatfully recieved. have a good christmas all. IF IT FEELS GOOD ITS GOT TO BE RIGHT.
  17. two weeks ago my 2 year old hancock bitch started coughing a bit and choking,vet said not kennel cough even though a lot of it around.diagnosed it as tracyitus,injection 5 days on anti bios and 50 quid lighter shes fine. now my mates terriers gone down with it and my 8 month hancock bitch looks like she could be coming down with it. ruddy marvelous when its my busiest time of year.never mind at least not all the moles drowned in the recent monsoons.keep up the good work . IF IT FEELS GOOD ITS GOT TO BE RIGHT.
  18. hi everyone, I am a full time mole and rabbit trapper (not to be confused with poisoner) based in cornwall but work throughout the southern half of england. very interested in talking to anyone doing the same,for a living or otherwise. IF IT FEELS GOOD IT MUST BE RIGHT.
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