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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. We need this man to be are next primeminister, he has got the balls that it takes to be a true leader not like the faggot we are encumbered with whos missus has the balls in their relationship. And who voted these fu..wits in anyway x 3, as i cant find anyone with a good word for them other than scum that is.
  2. Right bear with me on this one folks, i just seen big eddies thread about sauce, and it reminded me about what is a countryfied theme, namely the making of home made horseradish sauce, managed to source some roots from near severn beach near Bristol and some from the cotswolds, when it came to preraring the roots i had grown on i followed a recipe by Hugh fearnley Whitless, he says scrape them underwater because of the heat and dont use to much, WELL mine had a lot in it because i like the heat and it was shite, no heat, tried other recipes same result. So wrong type or wrong time, any ideas.
  3. Woodchip, nice setup its always great to see someone giving there ferrets a good home to live in, and thoroughly clean, the more exercise and stimulation they can get the better workers they make it isnt rocket science but so many people dont see it and keep them in sh.t ridden pi..ey little cages, makes you wonder what is wrong with them.
  4. Hi john, what i used to use before any wild life acts came in, was get the galvanised tops off chicken drinkers, you know the pointy topped things and put them up in trees frequented by squirrels, place fenn mk4 to the rear no bait, deadly, ought to hear the bugger when he went off though, that is from what i can remember though as this was about a hundred years ago. :whistle: , Also that fenn trap is new and you have not adjusted the treddle yet, waaaaay to high imo, stick one of them imbras in there.
  5. As usual Gypo Joe comes up with the goods, he is a star . Now then anyone got Coney catchers.
  6. Interesting food for thought there MC, it doesnt get away from the fact that we are pandering to them and there unjust act, but if people can still run their dogs on a hare and not fear prosecution then good on it. :thumbs-up:
  7. wanted Glenn waters art of longnetting, Phil Loyd,s coney catchers two, wish to BUY copies of these on dvd, would like to have bought them from the two gentlemen cocerned, but unfortunatly this appears to be not possible. If anyone is able to help please pm me. cheers.
  8. Bloody good guns the CZ .22 rimmy, i have used one for years with synthetic stock, literally shot thousands of rabbits with it, never had a problem with it, suprisingly accurate to with a tasco mildot on top. All for less than £300 quid if my memory serves me right.
  9. Taught him everything he knows hey, whats that running down the hobs leg. :whistle:
  10. When i did a gassing course up in wiltshire it was being held by a man called jonn lill, from i think lincolnshire he said he was the main man with MAFF, who wiped them all out, he was selling off the cage traps, wish i had bought them now, but there you go hindsight is a wonderful thing.
  11. What next, now even ferrets have their own porn site.
  12. What happened then terrier stuff or ditchy, thought this poor old dog was nine tenths of the way to ireland through a lot of people willing to put themselves out, has something happened to the dog, i noticed the word tragic was used.
  13. Conor dont waste your time trying to educate pork. We wasted our time and money trying to save these dickwads by showing our support up london, but they got burned and now find there sport having a pop at us, look at the amateur mouse spouting off, he aint got a clue, but feels he has to have a go at people who make their living sorting out fox problems for farmers. Weekend sport and he thinks he knows it all, join the sabs mouse after all your doing a great job for them, TWAT.
  14. a very small whippet, love to see one holding on for dear life on a good buck rabbit.
  15. Smart looking run, funny, spaniels look at you in a way that tells you your their whole world, your pup is a classic example, all the best with him/her. :thumbs-up:
  16. One of my Deben packs that i use for all night jobs is the 17 amp hour, takes about 14 hours,ish, used it a couple of weeks ago, put it on charge in the trap shed and left it over night, remembered to take it off charge 4 days later. :whistle: , fingers crossed seems ok the couple of times i have used it since. Note to self, place batteries in a more prominent spot in shed, they may get noticed that way.
  17. Evening Ditchy, just picked up this thread sounds like a good crack, one thing confuses me though, all the pictures so far are Rattus Norvegicus not as you mentioned earlier Rattus Rattus , if you guys are running around rearing pens , tips etc killing Rattus Rattus (Black rats) i think the ministry might like a word, Something to do with black death and plague , i know i am being pedantic, but according to a boring lecture i attended a short while ago Rattus Rattus is only found in a few places such as Bristol, Liverpool and London docks, and being very cloesly monitored.
  18. Stupid question , maybe, but why do you need treadmills, why dont you just roadwalk your greyhounds like the old days.
  19. :thumbs-up: :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :thumbs-up:
  20. Well done lads keep it up, who needs antis, when we can bitch at each other in public and let them sit back and rub their hands together. Fu....g great. Mouse you say in your experience it is the norm for riflemen to leave injured foxes everywhere, can you please quantify such a sweeping statement, as in certain circles that could render you liable for slander and defemation of character. There is an old saying, its better to keep your mouth shut and let people think your stupid, than to open it and prove it. :whistle:
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