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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. Think this one was done on here last week, bloody good though.
  2. Firstly DS, yes i am talking about the good old real Mc COY, it was quite funny because one or two keepers had said about it then one or two of mine started getting the arms crossed on being sprung and the hook springing out of the eye. Hence the reason i am giving the springers a trial, i have had a handfull of them for years and no probs as yet. Foxtrack i personally have always been a big fan of the MK6 Fenn, not bothering with the 4,s, as the bigger one does all jobs, while the smaller only does some, this issue with the Fenn springing apart is a new phenomonen to me personally, but as i
  3. Fenn mk 6,s have gained a bit of a rep for springing apart recently, bought 45 springer MK 6,s off ian hodge the other night, he is pretty fair on his prices, but i am lucky he only farms 10 minutes away from here so no postage. :thumbs-up:
  4. Think the question is why not, my dogs love both, gives them variety of textures and flavours, keeps them interested, more to the point they look great and preform on it, admittedly i dont feed them any cheap shite, whether it,s dry or raw, only the best, if i couldnt afford it this way then i wouldnt keep them at all, but thats just my opinion, after all they bring in their fair share towards my business every week. :thumbs-up:
  5. Any of the four footers left, new or part worns.
  6. Kinda reminds me of back in westest wales back in the early eighties when it was still worth doing, but maybe not quite as extreme as this. :whistle:
  7. Ooooooow you lot are soooooo bitchy, you ought to have yer legs slapped, especially you mr chalkwarren, ps does anyone know how much the two year old was paid for the art work. :whistle:
  8. bloody hell i just bought a thousand of these off them. :whistle:
  9. Anyone in Cornwall got a White male with black eyes for sale or at stud, would travel to anywhere in devon also, Always fancied a litter of these, if anyone can help please pm me, cheers.
  10. have a look at the air arms S410 Extra, http://www.air-arms.co.uk/S400S410.htm Looked at one of these, but it is running at 28-30 ft lbs, which is ok, but would rather 36-40 ft lbs.
  11. MC, I was thinking of getting another rapid 7 as my sub fac is the dogs gonads, huge capacity but obviously at a price, the S410 is half the price, but shot to shot consistency on the rapid is spot on, does anyone have any knowledge of the air arms in fac.
  12. Hi John, i am currently looking around for a fac air rifle to put on my ticket, the reason for this is that i do a lot of caravan parks, holiday villages etc etc, usually i would use the rimmy but understandably have to be carefull because of the high risk of ricochet and overly powerfull for close to mid range work, plus if as i intend to, i only get one chucking out about 36 -48 ft lbs in .22 i will be able to use a premium quality pellet which is only half the weight of a rimmy round and hopefully a lot less prone to ricochet. At the moment the s410 is looking like the one for me, but am o
  13. look forwards to your threads dreckly.
  14. Now i remember why i am to scared to go into towns and cities, MUTANTS.
  15. Put the antis down, keep the bear, at least the bear has a use.
  16. Baldie you got that fu...n right, finally some bloody sense, and before anyone starts yes, i do use lurchers as a tool of the trade also.
  17. Does it get any better than this, I dont think so. Nice one GW and Night runner. Crap day so i,m off to the shed and see what i can do with this info.
  18. Ihave both, the 22-250 gets used a little more on fox, but to be honest since i got my 6.5x55 the other two hardly come out of the cabinets, it is such a forgiving round, unless your on the recieving end. :thumbs-up:
  19. Molly the reason i started using the Autarky was that my older bitch started to have kind of head shaking fits after food, turned out she was suffering from post hipatic shunt, may have spelt that wrong, but anyway was caused by me feeding her v- high amounts of protein because of the amount of work she does and her kidneys/liver could not cope, apparently some dogs get it, anyway spoke to Hancock about it, "whisper that bit" and he suggested that as it is totally organic etc, they have been on it about a year and a half now. Mix packs of raw minced tripe/chicken/rabbit etc, looking good on it
  20. PM Gypo Joe on here he will sort you out. :thumbs-up:
  21. Big rat job came in so i didnt go after all, sounds like a few came away feeling the same as i usually do, if they did not take the piss on the entrance fee i think people would not feel like they had been stitched up, after all there is very little laid on for your money, IMO.
  22. mole catcher you got that 100% right mate.
  23. completley agree with you there Molly, my dogs are positivley shining on a simular diet. :thumbs-up:Forgot to mention though, the dry food, i dont use cheap and nasty just to fill them up, i use Autarky summer, which is 100% natural no colourings or any other crap, its expensive but i dont care, my dogs are worth it.
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