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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. Thanks for that Big Fish will get FPO to sort that out for me, PS, not a bit dense ........... a lot dense.
  2. Anyone please help, i have a few pictures i would like to put up and having never done it before am struggling somewhat. , just says exceeds amount available or something like that. piccys are 736kb,s and 785 kb,s, what should i try please.
  3. we have a lovely rabbity field directly behind our house, i rarely touch them preferring to leave them and study their ways, fascinating the things you learn, the least change in air pressure, temperature etc will totally throw their movements and habbits, going out to specifically net a certain group of rabbits can be a bit of a lottery, so if you had the breeze right and were quiet and it was dark enough etc you were just unlucky that time, try it again another suitable night and you might bag up.
  4. Hairy bull the exact same thing used to happen to our calves down here in cornwall but people would not believe it, poor little fockers, ten minutes of life then i would have to shoot them. No fox whatever the age condition etc is safe around here, if it,s in the sights it,s butchered it,s last new born calf.
  5. Better off using them to make nettle beer when they are that size, very nice it is too.
  6. phesant poults, chickens, ducks you name it, if you are trying to preserve them GUARANTEED that will be the thing mink like best.
  7. looking at the pup head on may be a bit on the thin side just my opinion.
  8. When starlings were still fair game some chaps were paid a goodly sum of money by a farmer who i worked for to scare some of the starlings away from the silage clamps, they released/ flew what ever the terminology is at the greasy birds and it piled into one of his doves and proceed to devour affor mentioned on the shed roof, funny as f...k, farmers blood pressure wasnt good to start with, bird handler calling and calling, absolute bloody fiasco, they came down from devon, Proffesionals apparently. :whistle: dont know where from exactly but it was certainly Dartmoor area.
  9. Baldie you say that about squirrels, i,ve got a bloke in my local who wants to buy three live uns to put through a customer of his letter box because he wont pay his bill, needless to say i told him to go forth. Got to admit though pesting has to be one of the few jobs where you do not get non payers, funny that. :whistle:
  10. MC, all of the panick crossfire i am suprised none of the muppets did get shot.
  11. ferretlove, i keep saying about you showing everybody the size of those two, they really are a healthy looking matched pair, wish i had a pair like that, in fact it always brightens my day when you get them out and put up a picture, what was it you call them again. :whistle:
  12. Bloody hell mate spot on, you forgot to mention range, not that it really matters, if it was a tricky snap shot through twigs fair play even if it was only 50 yds. :thumbs-up:
  13. MK 1 bailer twine, every time for me.
  14. ok rabpete, have you tried them in a fifteen foot mk 1, and how long did they last please, i am not pi..ing about it,s just that if i bought some i would have several. :thumbs-up:
  15. looks like hanibal lechters lair, but yes would have thought with more lighting and nest boxes etc should be alright, One thing people forget though is ferrets are very nosey and love to see whats going on in the outside world so a view would be appreciated no end. :thumbs-up:
  16. Gnipper thats a very good question, , solway only generealy sell good gear, but at that price even for a mk 4 springer which is margionaly cheaper than fenn it is to good to be true, best give them a ring and ask them out right are they cheap eastern imports or the real deal, if they are the one of the two i would grab some if it is the mk 4 you really want to buy.
  17. hi mistnet, what area are you, if mating is succesfull what sort of price would you be looking for, and if its not to much i would be very interested in a couple. :thumbs-up:
  18. Now then who do we know that just bought a load of Imbras, any ideas john b, micky is looking for some. :whistle:
  19. Are these the proper oxide type that deben reccomend, only ask because bought some cheap ones and they were shite, some didnt last two minutes and others didnt work at all.
  21. mole trapper


    Frank everyone has put in their two penneth, so i think i will give mine hope you dont mind, Iwas with a girl for seven years after our first boy was born she started to treat me like a dog, she would say terrible things, debt collectors were always calling, she stabbed me and many times attacked me with various instruments of warfare, she would then stand there screaming for me to hit her, believe me i wanted to, but thankfully never did. Her favourite put down was that i was a poor provider, i was a courier at the time driving six and a half days a week, then i started doing the night trunk
  22. Anyone interested, they go up to about five and a half to six foot, in very good nick, i think i have used them three times, twist and lock legs Very stable to shoot off, cost £35.00 + p+p, looking for sensible offers if anyone is interested please pm me. :thumbs-up:
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