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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. mole trapper


    was just a hunch, congrats anyway on completing the first year, all the best.
  2. mole trapper


    at least this bluddy physics degree course is good for somthing Now then..................Special theory of relativity anyone? Hmm you wouldnt perchance be the same brainy person that is putting some very interesting articles into an up and coming shooting glossy are you.
  3. mole trapper


    yes thats exactly what i was trying to say born hunter, :whistle: .
  4. Wilf that is exactly my point, you only have to look at the rediculous (discussion) i was involved in last night on snoopdogs how to catch a deer with your hands and kill it with a knife thread, ffs if this sort of stuff is being monitored the hunting of wild animals will soon be reigned to history. i await the next tirade of abuse, name calling and such ramblings.
  5. mole trapper


    very good moll, i can relate to that, :whistle: ooh better add not present wife. :kiss:
  6. mole trapper


    Could be totally wrong here, certainly would not be the first time, but working on what MC has just said, if a .22 pellet is travelling at around 510 fps when it leaves the muzzle it is producing roughly 12 ft lbs energy, so if when it reaches its intended target it needs to have retained 4 ft lbs energy then it needs to be travelling at a minimum of 170 fps. . Where are all the mathematicians when you need them.
  7. Bullmastiff Clayflint is right, much better than the text one line shit, dont cut out the story unless people are going to die of boredom, those sort of posts may need a little pruning. nice 1 m (8)t. :whistle:
  8. Did anyone see the cowboy pest controller on "House of Horrors" recently?? what a joker he was I rest my case.
  9. There are a lot of cowboys in the pest control world, lots without qualifications, insurance etc. When they f..k up they do it big time, then they get proper fu..ed by allsorts of official gouvernment bodies and legal teams. OH DEAR WHAT A SHAME, did that sound sincere enough. :whistle: . Get qualifications or get on the front page and the telly, simple really.
  10. Thanks for some great info, you have all given me some really useful leads. ps, sheperdess hell of a cossy, do you think it comes in say 40" chest for maybe someone around 6,1" and possibly in realtree or mossy oak, its for eeer um a friend ye thats it a friend. :ph34r:
  11. Lamper mike is right ucsw podbean was where fpo downloaded it from, there are several differant horn calls, Only ringtone she can hear in the parlour!
  12. Your a star The big fish, and thanks for the offer, may just have to take you up on the offer, like you say providing you are not to busy. :thumbs-up:
  13. Decided my business needs to join the 21st century, so i need a website, have looked at the people/sites offering everything under the sun. I am aware that there are ways of getting your site higher up the listings etc, purchasing domain names, Yellow pages are always offering to do it, but they get enough money a year out of me as it is. So is there anyone out there with experience of this sort of thing, who could possibly point me in the right direction. Thanks for looking, MT. :thumbs-up:
  15. Thanks for that Magwich, hope you dont mind me asking but what sort of cost are you looking at for the kit there and expected cost to upgrade it. Thanks again MT. :thumbs-up:
  16. Thanks for that Magwich, food for thought, i have been picking mole catchers brain on this subject recently as i think it is high time i got on and bought NV it is just what set up is best, not really looking for anything further than 100 yds max, clarity out to say 75 yds more important.
  18. There is just one thing that niggles me when a thread like this starts, and that is that one day Ian, will say fu.k it and pull the plug, this would be a real shame, because putting aside the ego maniacs and the lunatic fringe there are some very sound people on here that i consider myself fortunate to have made friends with that i would otherwise of never met. Think it was LB or Molly who said recently, that it was like being in a pub, your never all going to get on, it is human nature, the secret is to try not to drag the site down into the myre with the public slaggings, i know i am being
  19. S..T !!!!!!!, IF the five foot long one they brought in is a kitten i aint hanging around for mummy to come looking for it. :whistle:
  20. Well Mush, thats interesting, must have been two big cats because my pair of Hancocks brought one in with them last week, must have put up a hell of a fight as one of the dogs had a small scratch on its nose. :whistle:
  21. Ooh your sharp!!!!!!!! watch you dont cut yourself.
  22. Of course he does,nt use the bow for hunting, that is illegal in this country.
  23. Dont fart around with old wives tales, just get it to the vet, surely the dogs worth that much.
  24. Do you think you could elaborate slightly on "The night thingy" please.
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