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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. mole trapper

    long net

    There is one deffinet person on here i know who does them and i have one of his, thats GYPO JOE, i am not sure but i think MOLE CATCHER, may do as well, apoligies if you dont mc.
  2. heres a picture of the kit for anyone interested. - hope this works! http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t44/mil...el/DSCF0143.jpg
  3. Everyone is getting into the wildlife photography at the moment, well due to buying a NV set up i need to get some money back in, cant sell any of my guns etc as i need them for work SO........I have for sale the camera that will give you the close up crystal clarity pictures you,ve ever dreamed of and whats more it is going relativly cheap for a quick sale. Canon eos 100 body...35mm Sigma 28-70 2.8 APO lens Sigma 70-210 2.8 APO lens Canon Speedlite 540 EZ flash head Comes in a metal hard case, no dinks scratches, lenses motors everything 100% working, Speed photography unbeleivabl
  4. Chalky, you are a very naughty boy, now go and sit out in the corridor, PS i hate trappers to. :clapping:
  5. Got to give MC his due, hes not just a pretty face.
  6. My god, it is true they run brain washing courses now, no offence but you sound like you just come out of intensive training, lighten up, this aint the shopping channel.
  7. CHALKY i was thinking if it was only 400 mole hills and i got my traps in ok, that i would be expecting 100%, obviously i was right in thinking gas really aint all it is cracked up to be. Sounds like you would be getting a lot of call backs with that stuff.
  8. Only 4 mole jobs this week, you wait till you go full time, one mans phostoxin is another mans talunex, each to their own.
  9. OK if i lost my ability to make a living out of trapping moles and was unable to relearn it again and i could find no alternative employment other than sticking gas down holes i would choose Phostoxin because it is £18. a tube + vat as opposed to talunex being £21.00 + vat. There you go we have a winner.
  10. Selling a lot to local pubs and resturants at the moment, only get £1.50 but better than burying them, also the dogs and ferrets are getting through a lot at the moment, especially with all the young ferrets i am bringing on.
  11. TRAPS, feck the gas and poison, gas expensive, unreliable, got to be done in the dry, crap.Traps are the winner hands down all round.
  12. So glad to hear that i am not the only one with these problems, i rigged a net up a couple of weeks ago, first outing it all fell apart, , from now on i will just stick to buying my nets ready rigged from Gypo Joe off here.
  13. Chris Jones and Mistwalker i applaud you, , rational comments. Chris you say about how people have changed and people are just sitting back and watch drivvle on the telly, you have hit the nail on the head perfectly, there is a connection, people have in my opinion been adversly affected by television, told what to think if you like, no i am not a crank just a realist, until the invention of the telly we were a world power a war faring nation to be reckoned with, our fore fathers would not have sat back and wrung their hands and said oh dear to this sort of thing going on in their back yard,
  14. The best thing to come out of the telly? THE PLUG!!!!!!!! Best thing we ever did, havent had a telly for fifteen years, You do realise the powers that be are controling your minds with it dont you?, that is why as a nation we now put up with immigrants taking our homes and jobs and allowing urban powers to inflict unjust laws upon us, i could go on. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, GET RID OF IT !!!!!!!!. :ph34r: :download:
  15. Ah right, i have the same one, generally pay around £15 for them, have got them mainly from the sportsman paignton, and helston gunsmiths, bought a good secondhand one over in wales for a tenner.
  16. Reminiscences of woodland stalking--- Leo Ritchie. Reflections of a countryman--- Fred J Taylor. Its my delight --- Vesey-Fitzgerald. The ferret and Ferreting guide - Graham Wellstead. Sporting Riffle - Robin Marshall-Ball. They are not in the right order, and to be fair i have collected hundreds of books all across the field sports spectrum and all are a pleasure to own and read over and over, preferably in front the open fire with a glass of port or sloe gin to hand, roll on the autumn.
  17. Good mate of mine who does a lot of stalking has several white ones knocking around, he was asked by another friend of his if an american client he had over could shoot one of them, the american was willing to pay around a grand and a half to shoot a buck, my mate declined the offer, he just likes seeing them around.
  18. Have a great one both of you, all the best from FPO and ME. :clapping: :clapping:
  19. Why is john Smeaton the luckiest man in the uk??, Simple, he managed to do something everyone would like to, but will never be able to !....... He got to put the boot into one of those ass stabbing rag heads, and wont be getting done for it. John Smeaton for prime minister, better than all the frock wearing spineless no hopers that apply. Vote for Smeaton. :clapping: :clapping:
  20. From the time i was five the majority of my time was taken up by forced labour by my mother and step father, we had a farm, as soon as i came home from school, that was if they let me go to school instead of keeping me home to work i would have to pick up literally thousands of eggs, shovel shit etc etc, BUT, they did let me from the age of seven have air rifles and shotguns, they let me wander any spare time i had wherever i wanted, my step father would give me some good kickings for any reason he could find, then he would buy me some more cartridges or pellets or whatever. Bloody good child
  21. Chalky, if you go round dispatching squirrels by stretching their necks you got my vote, .
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