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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. We did some tests a few months ago on about a dozen brands of .22 ammo, although very rudementary the accuracy part of the test showed magtech to be a poor grouping round, Remmy,s faired a little better but still not a patch on eley/ super x/ lapuas. Obviously though the tests could hardly be described as fair as only two guns were used, a brno standard barrel and a fully tricked ruger 10/22. Magwitch you should take a look at the book i put the thread on about yesterday, very interesting.
  2. and there we were blaming orange and thinking that our net connection was getting worse! was starting to get desperate
  3. Today my latest book arrived from the states, Riflemans guide to rimfire ammunition by steven Boelter. What a book 352 page pb, This bloke has seriously been busy, he has tried tested, took apart and generally mucked about with just about every calibre make and type of rimmy ammo available. The book has chapters on everything from barrel making to terminal balistics to a break down of hundreds of types of ammo to barrel cleaning, well you get the picture, oh yes and there is hundreds of those too. Will take a while to read it all but will make a very useful reference book after as well, hav
  4. OK, change of plan, just looked into the camping at the midland, they want, are you sitting down, £60 to pitch a tent. I dont think so, we could stay in a very nice hotel for the night for that, luckily i know of just such a place, and better still they dont get booked 12 months in advance for the show weekend. RIP OFF SPRINGS TO MIND.
  5. Hob and gill, probably the best thing to do, it is a shame they stopped people sleeping in their trucks/cars, would have made it so much easier, might look into whether there is any camping left.
  6. CLA cancelled, A big if, but if the weather picks up for the Midland it is going to be a nightmare to get into as a lot of people do one or the other, and i could be wrong here but i reckon if the weather is right for that weekend it is going to be potentialy the biggest one ever. Last year there were some pretty horendus traffic hold ups, so hopefully the organisers are on the ball and start making contingency plans now. Cant wait to be sat in the jam again.
  7. Local Yocal, i think the heifer is making for the continent as the two of them escaped from Darlington market and the surviving one you say has come to Dorset, she should get a medal for marathon running and a police pardon.
  8. Scarily real, if only it was just a joke.
  9. Fairly sure molly that it can only get you if you have the stripes on your side of the road also, usually if the count markers are one side only it is there for what they were supposed to be used for, ie safety, generally to slow peoples approach to a known black spot junction etc.
  10. Genuine countryman, a rare commodity these days, and a damned nice fellow to boot.

  11. Best thing to do is do a search under which rifle in the ammunition rifles and shotgun section as this sort of question has been asked and answered many times, you should find what you are looking for there. Regards MT.
  12. So, the question still stands, does anyone know someone who sells them or fabricates them, personally would not be interested in those cheap chicken mesh things, would be much happier paying more money and getting something sturdy that would last a good few years.
  13. Good link scuba, but i dont think thats what foxy force 1 was reffering to, i think the ones asked about are the cylindrical ones with two flap doors and one solid end that you use to shove into rabbit holes when ferreting on your own, you put them on one side to catch the rabbits and the ferret if it comes out while you watch conventional nets on the otherside. There is some good footage of these in action on ed cookes rabbiting dvd. foxy force i think you will find that you will have to get these made up or do it yourself as these are not an off the shelf item, if you however find someone
  14. mole trapper

    the rut

    Smackum down who keepers not far from me saw roe rutting twice nearly a fortnight ago, personally i havent seen any yet. Would imagine we would be earlier down here as it has been so mild.
  15. Titchy, would,nt want to piss on your fireworks but are you sure using snares on a golf course is the best way of going about it, A few things to consider, firstly you are asking to buy snares, that would imply you have little if any experience of using them, such a public place is not an ideal location to start learning. Snaring is once again under the spotlight, people dont like seeing rabbits dancing around in wires all bug eyed or strangled etc, i have met some of my most aggresive antis on golf courses that i preform rabbit and mole clearance on. You say that you have landed your first r
  16. Springers should not be confused with cheap shit imports, i run a 100 MK 6s that are catching rabbits almost full time as yet no probs, they have been in the ground most of the time for the past 10 months.
  17. Come on MC, keep up. The shorts have a very marked trajectory, we did some crude tests a couple of weeks ago, at a twenty yard zero spot on back to fifty yards they were dropping four inches, went out lamping and gave them a whirl, at fifty yards aiming at the tips of adult rabbits clean head shots every time, interestingly also every one was a pass through. Just finishing the slab of 500 now, wont be buying more of them but when the hollow points come out i will try them. Deffinetly have a use and as i said before, so so quiet. There were a few feed issues even in my Brno B/A, bolt could
  18. Local Yocal, i am trying these out at the moment on a couple of caravan and camping site rabbit jobs, they are soooo quiet, still ricochet off hard ground though like a conventional higher powered sub, shame they arent hollow points, apparently though someone is in the process of manafacturing them. 30 ft lbs with a 29 grn soft hollow point through a rimmy, lubbly jubbly on more sensative rabbit jobs.
  19. Absolutley right Richie, and it is still for sale.
  20. Thanks for your PM,s but the kit is now sold. All the best MT.
  21. Another pesty, where abouts are you trading, and welcome.
  22. Due to buying nv set up some things that are not essential to my business must go, so last week i took delivery of a .22 bsa tactical xl, it has a ags 3-9 x 40 compact scope on board, i have put around a hundred pellets through it the afternoon i zeroed it, will try to get some piccys up tomorrow, it will come with a couple of tins of pellets. Same as the camera i am selling, can deliver up as far as bristol and as far across as east sussex. Cost me all in from BAR £295 last week, best offer over £225 secures, delivery would almost deffinetly be free. Over 18,s only unless a parent is wil
  23. Happy birthday you lot, John just realised youre nearly as old as me, just thought i would point that out. :clapping: :clapping:
  24. Snoopdog your right it is the mutts nuts, but it is as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. There is a dial on the top that you set different modes etc, to be honest it is so clever it can be set on automatic, ie it figures everything out itself and you still get top quality images, the lenses can be used on manual or motorised on auto focus they are Sooooo quick, i took a load of shots of diving stunt kites, apparently they were travelling at silly speeds like well over a hundred miles an hour and they were frozen sharp and clear as can be. The APO bit for those who dont know means
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