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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. Are these recent pictures, there are several young ones there, we have not had so many young around recently, thank goodness.
  3. K did i ever tell yop how much i fancied you and want to move in with you, next to these fields, with all those reds in them, , well i meant to, honest, and i am fairly sure FPO will be ok about it.
  4. You lucky lucky man you, glad you had a good day out, great pictures too, any shooting on your part or not quite that lucky.
  6. Is your mates name Knobby, if not it aught to be, you are right 35-45 yds is about safe, but not that far if you can not put every pellet inside an inch circle.
  7. as much as it grates me i have to agree with moley on this one, if you are going to take the job on this would be the safest way of going about it, depending on the nature of the terrain at this time of the year trapping squirrels under ground is very affective, ie in artificial tunnels or old rabbit holes, or even active ones, but traps must be set well back in.
  8. Puffin and whale in iceland and huge slugs in penang, first two great, last one, :sick:
  9. Could try spending a little more time trying to learn the ways of the countryside and not only would the farmer tell you where he left the farm implements, he may also tell you the correct names for them, ie (H)arrow, tis amazing what you pick up.
  10. Personally i feed my ferrets ad lib, ie they always have food in there courts, whether it be raw or dried but usually both at the same time, they still hunt keen as feck for the hell of it, but then i am only a messer as i only do it for a living.
  11. Try looking up the traditional mole catchers society on the web, they should have someone daft enough to have given them £75 to join in that area, they would probably be delighted to reclaim some of their money.
  12. Spent the last two weeks working my nads off playing catch up, now when i can sit back and await the fruits of my labour no cheques are arriving, just because a bunch of jobs worths are on strike again. When the poles have taken all there jobs there will be no more of this nonsence, strikes and work to rule, thats what makes britain great. So Cupid Stunt, i will take it from your offensive pm , where you call me and strong stuff mouthy c...s, that you are either one of these fellows that is in threat of losing the cushy little number they have enjoyed for so long, or you are just aptly na
  13. Slightly off track maybe, but i say anyone seen with a dog on a bit of string at a show or whatever and the dog has a 4 sale sign around it,s neck, the idiot with the two legs should be shot or at the very least maimed for life immediatly. PS, that is a genuine view not a wind up.
  14. You can buy some top quality ones from me if you are still looking, i make both sorts. You could pick them up at the same time as the clap trap you were deffinetly going to have, but then couldnt be bothered to return my pm,s after arranging it all.
  15. We have not had a tv for fifteen years, we live out in the sticks and they send us threatening letters about every six months, my stock answer is even under this gouvernment it is not compulsory to own a telly, they then say they will send someone around to look around our home to satisfy themselves that we dont have one, my reply is he can fack off, they reply he will come back with two police officers and a search warrant, i say bring it on, they arent coming in either and the press will be waiting to record this harrasment and infringment of our civil liberties. Six months later we do it a
  16. What a fackin great idea !!!!!!!!!!!, after all honey bees do not have any usefull impact on the eco system do they, oh and they arent becoming more scarce year on year are they. You would do well working for one of the BIG pest control companies, they will nuke anything. Sorry to rant, but i think you could do with learning a bit more about the countryside before handing out wisdom.
  17. As usual AL, you hit the nail dreckly on the head.
  18. Great post asusual, glad to hear you both had a good evening, until a couple of weeks ago could have given you both an opportunity to see what your individual methods can do, alas, we have serious mixy, have not seen it like this for a long time, gone from fields running with rabbits to almost empty ones with a few pathetic dying ones.
  19. This place is just like the soaps on the telly, me and FPO have been away for our hols and come back and see just where we left off, classic, see now why we have not had a telly for fifteen years, move on fellas, life is to short. :kiss:
  20. Great twin peaks, shame about the boat race.
  21. These days its a bloody free for all out there, people so desperate they will pay the farmer to rid him of HIS problems etc, there is no longer any fair play, at least not from what i have seen over the last twenty years or so.
  22. Told you they were good scopes, hope you have fun on thursday, not too much fun though as i know a bloke who is looking forwards to recieving some nets soon.
  23. There is a brilliant book on this subject that tells you everything you could want to know about smoking and curing, types of construction etc etc, very good indeed, it is called "Home smoking and curing" by Keith Erlandson, easily and cheaply bought from abe books or such like.
  24. Very good footage there Richie, can not seem to find anywhere what you were using, any details please.
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