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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. Thanks Magwitch, did not think i was ever going to get it sorted, but it is starting to earn for me now, going out with it tonight up near Plymouth on a Caravan park job, Trouble is it is SOOOOOOOOO quiet tonight. :secret:
  2. Finally managed to download pictures of my NV scope as requested by several people. This handfull of rabitts were taken on a mopping up exercise where I am just finishing a job. Every tom dick and harry has been lamping these rabitts spooked aint the word for it. This is where this gear is going to earn its keep!
  3. That is the same colour as gorse petals, but i think it looks more like a fungi you have there. The rabbits FPO was talking about earlier were all caught on a very barren coastline where there was very little food so the rabbits were stripping the bark off the prickly gorse, they were obviously doing well on it as they were laying down good amounts of fat, but it was bright yellow through to very orange, i am about to start on those very same rabbits this coming week so it will be interesting to see if they still look the same, have not been to this farm for two years.
  4. Very good, tell us more, were they against rabbit fencing etc, anymore piccys of the set up etc. Regards MT.
  5. Mole catcher, he can tell you exactly what to do, he is truly the most helpfull chap in this field.
  6. Cant believe no one has bought this yet, i was very interested but to far away.
  7. Neither, go for a Steyr pro hunter, stainless and synthetic, i just happen to have one for sale, literally only had fifteen rounds through it, barrel conditioned, bargain.
  8. Sorry if you have answered this one before, but WHY did you wear them for 9 months, a bet, walk for africa, WHY,???????
  9. Oh to be 17 again, like they say," to be old and wise you must first be young and stupid". Read the feckin post, he said ferrets living wild, secondly there are plenty of feral ferrets living wild in wales, and thirdly sometimes you do get certain litters of out crosses that do seem unwilling to become truly tame, no matter how well fed, handled etc.
  10. Mine is a basic Ruger with a zeiss 8x56 with a T8, never really measured on paper, other than to zero, it was within an inch at 100 yds, all my shots are taken standing off sticks, best so far was a 210 yrd nut shot, the only problem is the barrel gets hot real quick.
  11. My favourite foxing round, devastating with 55grn winchester balistic tips.
  12. You are absolutley right Ferretlove, SO i would suggest you lead by example, so get the piccys up.
  13. Good post Duckwing, May sound a bit corny, but it would be a nice gesture if the likes of Glenn who give so much to help anyone and everyone could recieve some kind of recognition for their generosity, But the likes of him and a few others on here would not be comfortable with that as they are of the old school, proper gentlemen.
  14. We used to do it in the harbour for pollack etc, bubble float with a starlight inside, have got an old sketch in a frame as well taken from an old book i think, they are in a boat going around the rocky coastline with a flaming torch (literally) and spearing lobsters and fish.
  15. M i would much rather look at the ones like yours, but hey, if the modern version P off the incomers bring em on, hell i will have a few dozen in the garden, might keep the soddin moles out.
  16. Shropshirelad, generally people new to FAC in my experience seriously either over or under estimate ranges but more often than not the former rather than the latter, the 17hmr will humanely dispatch rabbits at 150 yds + providing you are capable of putting every round within a 40 mm circle consistently, the added bonus with this round over the centrefire rounds suggested by our new friend brownbear is the greatly reduced risk of ricochet, plus it is an imminently quieter report than any of the centrefires plus far cheaper ammo, the other major consideration is that if you are new to FAC it is
  17. MC you should pop down here some time, Cornwall is full of them, there arent many hills that have not got them on, the NEW natives are really pissed about it, they did not sell theyre homes up country and price us locals out just to look at these monstrocaties, and by the way stop those cockerels and church bells waking them up. Sorry mate, could not help myself, been to our local on the moor and the incomers kept buying us drinks to make us be friendly to them so i am feeling a little fractious. Plaid Cymru........, what ever happened to them, Plaid Kernow next ????????. Sorry mate
  18. Somewhere around twenty (i think), if it was not shagging it down i would go and count them, but it is so i wont.
  19. Can vouch for what Baldie says about their after sales, the mate i bought mine off kept sending it back to them, and fair play they humoured him even though everyone except him knew the problem was with him not the gun, picked myself up a real bargain, he has gone on to have a RPA made up for him in 6mm br and he is doing very well with it.
  20. Recently bouught a fully tricked up SYSS special off a mate of mine who could not hit a barn with it if he was inside, it is now my dedicated night gun fitted with the Starlight Archer nv, brilliant set up on the rabbit clearance. Mate of mine who is a keeper down here loves his G22, for my daytime work though it has to be my BRNO every time.
  21. Down here we generally pay a little more for everything, i only use eley extras for both my rimmys, generally pay around £55-£58 per 1000.
  22. GOOD ON PINK ELEPHANTS TOO. MC, me thinks we had better get shot of our gear, if jbs or whatever he calls himself goes global where all fecked
  23. Hey Jasper, i hope you arent going over 30mph in that truck, i am driving like an old fart, nearly achieved 35mph today on the dual carriageway. Think i may get pulled for holding up tractors.
  24. Magwitch, see what you meen about difficulty telling old from the young while using NV, now i finally have the archer doing what it is supposed to i have started back on the caravan sites and holiday complexes again, several times i have shot young ones thinking they are older ones but a bit further away, very rarely happened when i was lamping as you could easily make out the length of the ears and the difference in overall shape. Whilst on the whole NV thing, have noticed the rabbits sure still know they are being illuminated, was led to believe that they did not have a clue. That said they
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