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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. Fair play, we wont be short of Salmon to eat for a day or two. Dont think i could have read it,s last rights though. :whistling
  2. Done, and i will pay the postage. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot.
  3. Paranoia maybe, but i think a lot of people do not say where they are from because the antis monitor these sites so much, they are worried that over a period of time the weeners could gleen enough info to find you. Personally i couldnt give a flying feck as twenty of those toffu munching tossers wouldnt make good sport and everything i do is 100% legal so why hide, having said that i do respect other peoples right to their annonaminity as long as it is not to hide illegal activities.
  4. Every year i promise myself that i will join the Devon wildfowlers, threads like this remind me, then another year comes along and i kick myself for wasting another year. Wild fowling is to me the same as deerstalking, truly wild totally unpredictable, but when it comes right it makes it all the worth while, all the fruitless trips, the god awfull hours we have to get out of bed, it really is for lack of a better word, the pinnacle of shotgun sport. Must remember to apply (this year).
  5. Navara 02-03-04 no way, £6000 to fix it when it goes pop anywhere from 40k onwards, feck that, since i got shot of mine it has been like having a great weight removed from my shoulders, no more wondering if today is the day i lose an awful lot of money. Personally i went back to what i know will go on and on and will still fetch a tidy sum when i am done with it. Yes i know the heaters are crap, fuel economy is crap, and they tend to be a bit draughty but hey, if i wanted a towny comuter vehicle i would have bought a micra.
  6. Right then, i have a .243 steyr pro hunter in stainless and synthetic, it has genuinly fired under 20 rounds, these were used to condition the barrel, it has on it a swarovski 8x50, also around two hundred rounds of premium factory ammo, mostly sako/ norma and lapua. The gun is in A1 new condition screw cut, the reason i am parting with it is because i bought two identical at the same time, the only difference being calibre, since conditioning i have not taken the .243 out of the cabinet, always reach for the other one. So it cost me with the scope and mounts £1400 + there is about £180 amm
  7. Hi Fish, yes they do have a site but i am to inept to put it up so when FPO comes in from milking i will get her to post it, Regards MT.
  8. Absolutley, 100% quality, i will not stray and buy cheaper again.
  9. You have not said whether the two hundred mole hills are in the same field or not, if they are then it is probably not as bad as it looks, if you do not want to spend to much then just buy 6 traps, 8 would be better, when you have bought them and boiled off any smell and adjusted the trigger catch so that you no longer need a land rover with a tow rope to set them off go to the affected area and imagine splitting it up into 6/8 blocks, find a suitable run in each area and set a trap in it, if you have done it well if after four days you are no longer catching look for any areas that have fresh
  10. Depends on what amount of ground the two hundred hills were spread out over, if they were in the same field were there any discernable gaps between groups of hills or is it just one big mess ?.
  11. Hi stephen 58, It would be fair to say my traps see a bit of use and abuse, this week more abuse, one of the school fields i was trapping got mowed with some serious machinery, even the genuine article can not withstand this, so the school got a bigger bill than quoted. Buy my traps direct from the manafacturer, they come in boxes of 50 and multiples there of, they will not sell you less than a box at a time. Generally buy a couple of boxes a year around this time when it starts to get really manic and the cash flow situation looks a bit healthier.
  12. Glenn obviously never sleeps, he is unstopable, thank goodness.
  13. Jasper NO NO NO, Put your marigolds away, i ment the thin disposable type, not the ones you keep for special occasions.
  14. Came home in a hurry this morning with two fallow does in the back of the truck, already an hour late for the first mole job of the day, the bed of the truck was literally running with rapidly congeeling blood, FPO to the rescue swilling, mopping and generally making the truck respectable for me to go to work, while she was doing this sausages were on the aga cooking and the coffee was brewing, (women are able to multi task), i was getting the two does hung up, within half an hour i was fed watered and fit to go. NUFF SAID.
  15. Erm, dont want to p anyone off here but i decided to give flatpacks a go as they were cheaper than the genuine article, well made as already mentioned BUT they rust like feck, i have some Duffus over five years old not a speck of rust on them, Flatpacks are not quite a year old and some will be binned over the next month or so.
  16. OH YES, FPO found this one out one day all by accident, Rubber gloves, just rub the birds and off it comes.
  17. Know what you mean Ditchy, for me down here though it is snails not slugs. Because of them i have stopped using blocks outsise as they take a real shine to them. No matter what make of boxes i have tried they all get the same problem, to be honest now all i use for my contract work is sidekicks that i get from Barretine, they are cheap funtional and dont break my heart when someone chucks them or whatever.
  18. Magwitch, got 5 more than you. , was very quiet and there arent to many left on that paticular job now. Richie, depends on a few things, also got to remember that i have it on my .22 rimmy and the laser is set at around 65-75 yds, most people have this unit on a centrefire and apparently are able to shoot foxes out to 200 yds. With the mag set on 5X on my scope i can clearly make out rabbits not just their eyes to about 90 ish yds. Regards MT.
  19. Ian and Richie, it is a Starlight Archer, not a bad bit of kit but does take a bit of getting used to and a hell of a lot of setting up in the first place.
  20. Foxdropper you certainly know how to start your day, bugger two weetabix when you can have two roe does.
  21. Best thing you can do is put in search for Glenn waters, or snareman, he has put on some very useful stuff on this very subject.
  22. Better still, learn how to trap them properly, the market is growing rapidly since the demise of the filthy strychnine, gas is nothing like as consistent as traps, there are several of us on here who make a good living doing just this. Good honest money for good honest work.
  23. Me thinks you had better check that freezer of yours, there must be a huge hole in the bottom of it, the amount of rabbits you have been knocking over the thing should be bursting at the seams.
  24. Thanks Magwitch, did not think i was ever going to get it sorted, but it is starting to earn for me now, going out with it tonight up near Plymouth on a Caravan park job, Trouble is it is SOOOOOOOOO quiet tonight. :secret:
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