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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. Kay have you been on the QC already, for our younger viewers thats cooking sherry. Best wishes and a healthy new year to all you buggers from me and FPO.
  2. Would suggest you get a big pan and make a bulk portion of giblet gravy or stock, then freeze, will be ideal for a base when making casseroles, stews etc.
  3. Well thats novel, never done a cenotaph.
  4. Attleborough accessories sell smaller amounts if you only want to make say fifty or so. Regards MT.
  5. Ooh get you, be carefull with those claws you might scratch yourself. :kiss:
  6. OH MY GOD, if ever there were a perfect picture caption photo, the first is the one !!!!. You putting on the glove and the ferret being told it is about to go boldly where no ferret has ever gone before. :kiss:
  7. Another quality contribution by LL, Got to give you mate if nothing else, your consistent.
  8. Hi John, yes was just wondering if anyone had any advice on how to pull a bird ?.
  9. Well done that man, that is quite a serious mole problem if you have had 40 + out of 11 acres, working on percentages you should have around another 10 from the remaining 4 acres, trouble is there will be quite a few move in very quickly as there will be plenty looking for new territories if there is that sort of numbers in the field. When you think you have them all get the farmer to chain harrow and then go back in three weeks or so. All the best MT.
  10. Teejay, that looks like a bit of fun, i acquired a load of the springy electric fencing stakes from my dad recently, will be giving those a spin to see if they are up to the job, already got my snares made up to GW,s specifications. all the best with it. Regards MT.
  11. Just wondering what traditional pursuits will you be up to on one of the most important days in the sporting calander, anyone got anything special lined up. Personally i will be taking FPO off to one of my best bits of stalking ground, she has always helped process all the deer and even cleaned the truck out after a successfull trip, She has never been stalking before, even though she has been hinting that she would like to, so i am going to take her on what to me is one of the best days of the year. What ever you get up to hope you all have a great, safe and memorable day. Regards MT.
  12. totally agree on that mate .i have a schmidt with the 30 mm tube and it does make a bit of difference in low light(friend has 25mm so i can compare the 2)i got the hungarian and it is exactly the same Ditto what baldie and digga said, i have a couple of the scopes you are looking at, one is german the other hungarian, there is no difference. regards MT.
  13. Great pictures there Apollo, thanks for that, thought there must be a reason that wild boar was skinned not scalded and now i know. Would you age the carcass now or just butcher it and freeze. Regards MT.
  14. Beauty, what calibre did he use, did it drop on the spot or run a little, is that right that you skin them not shave them like a domestic pig.
  15. Feck me i seen it all now, those poor dogs, can you get councilling for canines, because they are sure going to have some issues.
  16. Watch the warrener dvd, whippets at work, exactly that same thing happened.
  17. Good to see your back safe and sound, reiterating what kay said, cant believe how much the pup has grown. Regards MT.
  18. Tell you what fishfish, i was interested enough to take a look at your site also, unfortunatly it was not quite what i had expected, although self sufficiency is something to be applauded and in my mind a greatly sattisfiying activity it should not condone illegal and in humane ways of harvesting wild food when there are more humane methods openly available to us now, i refer to road casualties, it is not big or clever, just illegal and as already stated unnecessary. Shame really as you have the makings of a great site there. Regards MT,
  19. Very interesting post fish, we do a fair bit of the same, but nothing like as much as we should. Not the arty stuff, although FPO is pretty good at that sort of thing, me, well i could make a pigs ear out of a silk purse.
  20. Are you talking an 8 kg that will make about a 1000 or a big one, the small one will knock you back about £90 with vat and p+p
  21. Yes they are fantastic, and they keep me in the lifestyle i like being accustomed to.
  22. No luck as yet, rang sportsman who were to busy to talk to me, they promised to ring back and didnt. Will try and find time to ring GMK monday to see if they can tell me anywhere close that they have shipped them to recently. Moletrapper GMK.co.uk Email them.....they will usually get back in a day or two. Federal (GMK) and Winchester also make shotshells (probably a few others as well) Cheers Deker Cheers for that Deker.
  23. Hell of a hat rack !!, will keep you busy for five minutes butchering that if you are going to do it yourself. What is the rifle, not a very clear picture, but it looks like it could be something a bit special.
  24. No luck as yet, rang sportsman who were to busy to talk to me, they promised to ring back and didnt. Will try and find time to ring GMK monday to see if they can tell me anywhere close that they have shipped them to recently.
  25. Another year and hopefully a successfull operatrion, failing that some brasher socks size 14 extra wide.
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