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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. Mackem, you think country maids is full of addys, you should try shooting sports its not a magazine its a bloody catalogue these days, nothing but reviews and most of them are by that tit wadeson, reckon he,s batting for the other side as well. Why they dont put a few actual hunting related articles in there i dont know. Oh and for the record of course by batting for the other side i would mean being left handed.
  2. Is he using wire rope as a snare for illustration purposes or is he trying to catch a stumpy legged rhino ?.
  3. Get fu...d sounds about what i would expect from your ilk. And BIG shite would be closer for a 6,2 17 stone fella. Anyway ladies sorry cant dance with you tonight, got bigger fish to fry. :kiss:
  4. Lamping, two dogs and no rifle, i would imagine this thread will be binned before bed time, i suppose this could be likened to naughty school kids really, seeing what they can get away with before teacher comes in. If you must go round breaking the law, why do you have to blatantly show it on a public forum, some of us rather enjoy being on here and dont really want to lose it, and that is what will happen if people who need to be seen as big hunters who crave attention from their peers keep posting illegal activities. Why doesnt someone start a forum specifically aimed at people who l
  5. Well if we are going to be pedantic the trees are all still in leaf also.
  6. John it is not possible to charge anymore than i do already. Badgerboy they stand for Royal society promotion of health and British pest control association, it is the standard industry minimum level acceptable for carrying out pest control, so basically a piece of paper that confirms we have re learnt what we already knew.
  7. Thanks chaps, been trying to decide what to do next, probably going to do some A levels, i left school with three cse,s all about 5 which basically you got for turning up, has always annoyed me because i knew i could have achieved a great deal more but was to "countryfied" to be bothered with learning what i considered useless stuff. Anyway, cheers again. J
  8. Evening gents, just a quicky to say i had the certificate come through the door this morning, so i guess i passed. As you all said it was good fun, Adrian Meyer asked me to give the mole trapping demo which was a bit of a buzz, he knew some how that i have had a dabble in the dark art. All the best, MT RSPH/BPCA Licenced to kill.
  9. These celebrity chefs are doing a great job i think, if it werent for them who else would give us £3 a piece for what is essentialy a rat. Our local outlet cant get enough of them.
  10. Thought it was a good informative post, especially the extra mile he went to put all those black bird feathers all over and around the trap. PS, DID I MENTION THAT I PROVIDE MOLE AND RABBIT CATCHING COURSES AND SELL TOP QUALITY RABBIT SNARES.
  11. Just wondering if you could do with a couple of sticks to restrict the entrance a bit there, would not want any non targets in there, sure you put all the dicky bird feathers there to illustrate the fact.
  12. Wil, you really crack me up !, loved your post on the biggest turn off,s thread, what was it "hairy women that dont give head etc" reckon if any woman showed you her minge you would pass out with fright. Keep posting mate you have stepped into rabbit hunters shoes.
  13. Yep been known to dabble in it, run several mk6,s, infact picked up 50 beauties off a certain Moley to add to my other 250 or so, cant get on with the other buggers, may have to take a trip oop north to get some tuition. :secret: My favourite by a whisker though is the wires, light, quick to set and VERY effective, OH, and did i mention cheap to replace.
  14. Hi there, what calibre is it please ?, does the price include p+p
  15. 22 RIMMY EVERYTIME, would not have a 17 hmr as a gift now, tried it, found it noisy, expensive to run and mashes rabbits.
  16. BOOKS NOW SOLD ARE AS FOLLOWS.... New complete lurcher Mouchers Rabbiting by drakeford. The fell terrier. Complete book of sight, lurchers, longdogs The rest are still up for grabs.
  17. Selling off some more of my collection, all books in as new and unread condition, each book to have £2.50 added for p+p, anyone wishing to purchase more than one book p+p will be reduced. Anyone interested in getting themselves a bargain x-mas prezzie please pm me. Rabbiting by sean frain £7.50 A mouchers tale by phil lloyd £10 Net making for sport by howard glynn. £5 Rabbit control by J drakeford. £7.50 Rabbits and hares by a mc bride £5 Rural pest control by s caple £10 Complete book of sight hounds, long dogs and lurchers by brian plummer. £12 New complete lurcher
  18. have you got public liability? Stop it Stubby, your killing me !, he said he,s been asked to do a rat job, he must be on the books in that case.
  19. Oh well, sorry fellas, what i thought was a fair way of doing it has been thwarted by some power crazed mod. So on flea bay they will go, unfortunatly for you guys the price will probably be inflated out of proportion but ho hum we no longer live in a free society. Sorry lads.
  20. Please enlighten me as to the offence i caused by putting up darcy,s book for sale.
  21. Afew people have been looking for these books recently, particularly the extreme lurcher work. Several of you have pm,d me for a price, but i do not know the true value so i thought it fairest if they are auctioned. Extreme lurcher work is the 2002 edition, which i believe is the first one, it is in unread condition, starting bid £20 + p+p Running dog adiction, again by Darcy is also pristine condition, starting bid £10 + p+p. Please place bids on here not in pm box, will let it run until monday night. Regards MT.
  22. Right D, there are two x hundred yarders and two x forty yarders and enough hazel stakes to build a fence, have fun, they are all in the barrow in the log shed, will come down for a pint and a natter when we get back. See ya later, J
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