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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. Sweet shooting there mark! ? I mowed my range today, hopefully if the forecast is true I should be able to put in a few nights this week after work with the boingers. Week Thursday we will be up Nuneaton with the boinger mad folks partying, shooting etc for four days and nights. First of the year, can't wait.
  2. Lovely heathy looking rabbits. Good shooting ?
  3. My little chinky hobby grinder was shite! So I bought some ceramic belts off the bay. Wow what a difference ? Ok it's not going to last forever, but perfectly serviceable temporarily. I knocked these out this afternoon in less than an hour, the first two took nearly that and some.
  4. Well it looks ok, it's not the same sort of quality of the £700 jobby, but that's reflected in the price ? I would possibly give it a try.
  5. They are making good prices if they are in good condition. For your best idea of an unbiased value I would suggest you go onto airgunbbs and ask in the collectors section of the forum. Some hugely knowledgeable people in there. Hope this helps. Jamie.
  6. Wouldn't have a link would you, seems a bit too cheap ?
  7. Very valid point. I believe these are imported to Manchester, so hopefully already sorted, but will check. Cheers, Jamie.
  8. Blimey that's a reply and a half Clive! ? I think we would have gone for it without a doubt twenty years ago. I still like the idea of buying a little place over there and spending what time we can there. As I'm slowly slipping into semi retirement I'm getting more time on my hands. Mel being a chimney sweep is crazy busy eight months of the year, but we get a few months where we could slip away. The smallholding here takes up a huge amount of time and effort, but looks like I may have found a guy that might want a few hours locally. I give a lot of mole work away now also
  9. That's interesting! I did find another company in the UK selling them yesterday, £760 but they really are the dogs. Another £300 for the motor and control unit.
  10. Early days yet, but I'm not going to rule it out ?
  11. At the moment it looks like I will get one in from the states. You can get them on the bay etc but my mate who makes custom knives for a living said don't bother, you'll only regret it. Most of the sellers are in Poland etc. Its going to be about a grand, but I would blow that without thinking on Nv etc, or a PCP.
  12. No, I'm only going to be buying steel stock to keep the uniformity. Its already turning into quite a rabbit hole. I had bought a hobby belt grinder, pillar drill etc but have already decided these are not what I require even for making small amounts of knives. So a 2x72 grinder will be ordered this week.
  13. I wish ! I have cut back a bit of late, apparently I had a small stroke back in September, I'm not totally convinced though. I would sell up and move to France tomorrow, but my health needs are quite complex now so I don't think we will ever be able to make the move. There's a realistic possibility of us buying a small place still though for holidays for us and the family, maybe even a bit of rental if we find something nice in the right area. Its still so rediculously cheap to buy over there (except Ile de rhe) ? I look forward to seeing more of your posts. Jamie.
  14. Afterwards before the real rain set in I rough ground these first two
  15. I turned this lovely bit of steel stock into these hideous blanks with an angle grinder ?
  16. Ambitious project today! I'm going to try and get a nessmuk and four bushies from one £13 piece of crv2.
  17. Blimey it's good to see you back Clive! I was sure you had suffered fools one time too many and wouldn't ever be back. Hope you stick around a while again.
  18. First knife, and my first three sheaths
  19. He made a sheath for me that few could match! Very very talented.
  20. I didn't realise there was a dedicated knife thread! This is what dytkos was talking about. Awesome.?
  21. You'd be lucky to hit anything here with a scattergun right now! Its total pants.
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