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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. It's that time of year again. We lost our only gosling that hatched yesterday to either a stoat or a weasel. Last night / this morning a fox had one of our hens that is an escapologist. She had got out and paid the price.
  2. List everything last night to the sudden hard frost, pretty gutted really as we were so pleased with what we have achieved during lockdown. So, start all over again. Happy days.
  3. Just candles the eggs in the incubator, still looking like all of them are good. Just literally done this lot up , ought to be selling them not pickling them but I do like them with a pint of scrumpy and a pork pie in the winter.
  4. We candled the eggs last night that came from four different sellers on the bay. At the moment it looks like all of them are fertile. Obviously early days and all that. Dozen duck eggs should hatch tomorrow or the next day that are sat on. Goose has at least eleven under her, they are due around the 17th. Going to be a lot of mouths to feed round here soon.
  5. Funny enough that's the first thing one of my mates came out with ?
  6. Just finished this! Reasonably happy with it.
  7. Two gallons of turbo started today. Works out at £2.20 a gallon.
  8. No I should just have used the stencil while the leather was dead flat, wetted it before stenciling.
  9. I find leather working soul-destroying and incredibly satisfying in equal measure. I am in the middle of making a wrist protector for archery at the moment. It was going great, then I tried something new using a stencil, that's when it went south. Back to the drawing board
  10. The cider and eater orchards are looking really good, the pears and plums too so hopefully we won't get a late frost and lose nearly everything like last year. All the fruit bushes are looking fairly promising, particularly the blueberries and currants. Fingers crossed now for a bountiful summer.
  11. We bought our smallholding with the intention of cutting back on our work and living a simpler healthier life. As all good intentions they've only been sort of achieved, and generally the place seems more of a bind. Well the last five weeks have really given us the impetus to crack on and start doing things while we can. Looking around me now I can't believe how much we have achieved, the place is tidy, the hedges are cut back, the stock fencing is in tact. The raised beds are all deep dig and rotavated, the green house is full of seedlings and in it goes. Polytunnel needs finishing in th
  12. As they have been through the postal service we don't generally expect as good a hatch rate as if they were our own or picked up by us. Still I would be hoping for minimum of 70%. I'm hoping to hatch a couple of dozen guinea fowl this year too, we won't be doing pure meat birds this year as I expect a very wet winter again , that's no good for heavy fowl with short legs because of the mud.
  13. Because we had nearly fifteen years of liberalism forced down our throats.
  14. Top bananas, please thank the good lady. ?
  15. Decided it was time to get some new blood in the flock again so looked on the bay to see what's about. Jeez! Five times the usual price of hatching eggs. Wish I had not lost my temper with two of the cockerels back in the winter now. Anyway, I had to lump it so bought two and a half dozen (Plymouth barred rock, copper Black marans, Cornish game and cream legbars). Might do a second hatch after these to bring on to pol,s and recoup my outlay.
  16. Got a good recipe for that Bakewell? I soooo love Bakewell tart.
  17. We are now into full egg glut. Selling lots of duck and goose eggs, we are mainly keeping the chicken eggs for our own use. However I still had a couple of dozen from early last week so made the first jar of pickled eggs. This weekend I start on the rhubarb chutney.
  18. Not yet, but seeing plenty of Queens around.
  19. How are you doing your heat treatment now? Like the wood scales on that one.
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