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mole trapper

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Everything posted by mole trapper

  1. Surprised bidet is allowing the shops to restock
  2. After a 3 hour drive each way to exmoor to visit mother and catch up with son and the grandchildren i desperately needed a desperado on my return to the land of milk and honey
  3. Hes an utter shit, straight out of game of thrones cast, lining himself up to be rishis sidekick later. Traitor
  4. Blimey, apparently in Devon Cornwall and Dorset renewals are at least 3 months, and don't even bother applying or variation. Mine runs out 12 July ?
  5. Very sweet John. I wish I could find a nice mk3, I earned mine buy shooting rats on a game farm back in late seventies? Not powerful, but I took many rabbits and pigeons at close range.
  6. Where on earth is that d? Don't recognise that one.
  7. Wish I could find decent lug beds, down here they are decimated now by foreign diggers grabbing the money
  8. Yeah I said the first five years, building a good business with a good turnover. I have been pretty much been semi retired for nine years now still earn good money but only work 2/3 days a week.
  9. As above, I jumped in over twenty years ago, best move I ever made. There is literally oceans of work out there, Great money and a fantastic way of life. If you are married however your spouse will have to be 101% on board, first five years its all hours, six days a week.
  10. Cheers D, is that the place just up from you on the left before jewsons?
  11. I have just been introduced to desperado, the label has put me off trying it for years. Anyway a good mate said just try it! Damn! I really like it. Its the most expensive bloody bottle in the supermarket beer Isle, but its actually worth it.
  12. If it wasn't for my health i would have been over there ten years ago doing exactly this.
  13. Desperate times........travelodge?
  14. Ah now cyder its got to be at least 7% Gawd I can't wait to get back up to the cyder houses in Dorset as soon as we are allowed.
  15. 5+ for me 5.8 about perfect. I like dark heavy beers.
  16. Surprise Surprise she got away with it. She could wash in a bucket of rabbit guts and come out smelling of violets.
  17. First sheath in two years, far from perfect, but it will serve its purpose.
  18. I've been using for years the gardening knife/tool that Axminster tools sell. Can't go wrong.
  19. 8 or 9 different dna samples found ?
  20. Woman's a complete nutter. S Met were watching her for years as she was on the domestc tertorrist list.
  21. Nah, thankfully we can now look forward to him running and winning in four years time, pelosi and her chronies will be bricking it now ??
  22. We aren't great fans of duck, you are correct, it's a shame you aren't closer ?
  23. For the freezer. Way too many drakes here, even the cockerels are running away from them. We only breast them, dogs get the rest.
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