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Everything posted by DEE

  1. hada couple of good offers but none that have to be had anyone else got a lefhty with high shot count ?
  2. hi my mate is looking for a l/h or ambi gun but wants something with a high shot count like a bsa super 10 or a theoben rapid or a bsa r10 not bothered on cal has got money waiting willing to spend upto £500 maybe a lil more if its the right gun , give me a txt or a phone call if you have somthing my numbers 07837468085 thanks alot DEE
  3. only need one for upto like 150 yard range ? would buy or if poss could px something let me kno if you have one thanks dee
  4. hi ther my mates s410 is up for sale as he needs money for a new gun the gun has a few minor markson the stock and there was some camo tape on the barrel but it has been removed now ,comes with fleece lined bag and fill adapter ,the gun has just been serviced and had a new gauge fitted as the old one was leaking .it has a nikko sterling goldcrown 3x9x50 ao scope , and ther is a 3ltr divers bottle in test gun with no scope £340 gun with scope £380 gun,scope,bottle £420 i cant load the the pix up on here as im in a rush atm so give me a pm with you mob number and ill send you some over the
  5. DEE

    harris hawk

    my brother caught a harris at his work from the oix it looks not far off a full sized one i dont kno anything about birds but ino this is a trained bird of sum sort as [bANNED TEXT] my brother held sum food in his hand the bird landed on his arm to eat . im in sheffield the bird was caught in hillsborough . The bird had sum sort of leather band round one of its legs its been handed to the rspb . just thought id put it up as it maybe sumones on here DEE
  6. DEE

    Who`s where

    hi craig what kind of hunting do you do just air rifle ? DEE
  7. it has to be moisture less breathing air pal. or so i understand
  8. will do pal thanks for the info like i saw it wont be till thurs but i will get back to you DEE
  9. thanks alot pal ill let u kno how i get on am goin ferreting thursday anyways so i might take her up she wht she thinks , but would you say let a couple run n let her chase ? or jus let her mark ? DEE
  10. just thort how do you teach them to mark holes when ferreting or to does such things as that thanks again
  11. sounds good:) my dogs to to bad with other dogs well it hasnt eaten my mums yorky yet haha wht would you say just take her out and let her go on her way maybe let her watch my mates dogs ? ive always kept her away from my kills rabbits and such dint want her rippin fur every wer maybe letting have 1 or 2 or the skins over a chunk or rubber ? thanks anyways DEE
  12. Jw if any one could tell me wht ther like i have a 8 month old staff x black lab ( looks jus like a tall athletic staff) does anyone think it would be any good she is keen on anything she can try n catch she caught a pigeon about 2month ago on the back yard i was in stitches lol. thanks dee
  13. will they work in the super 10s as one of the rubber rings that goes round the bit that holds the pellets (unsure on the name) not even sure if itl cause any problems just dont like it tht thers a bit missing so am guna have to buy one and this could be a double win if so . thanks dee
  14. i cant seem to post the pix of the scopes up so ive put them on my facebook http://www.(!64.56:886/album.php?aid=2089014&id=1076686298&saved

  15. DEE


    a few people have asked if i would split these up and up to now its been no but as interest has now dropped off i will split so make me offers. thnaksz DEE
  16. DEE


    cant get the pix to work no matter wht i think its cos theyve been to with a proper cam instead of the phone and its like 13mega pixel o sumat so here sorry bout it bein on face book http://www.(!64.56:886/album.php?aid=2089014&id=1076686298
  17. DEE

    cud u give me abit more info on the belt pack eg the amp or wht lamp u used it with >?

    wb asap


  18. i put the pix up as arron couldnt work it haha I have also fired this gun and it feels great to shoot from hand because the underside of the stock is flat and the gun is light as . DEE
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