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L and A

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Everything posted by L and A

  1. lol I new I'd forgotten something. Thanks mate.
  2. Great write-up mate. Hopefully i'll put my first one up as soon as i find some rats for my pup to get hold of... fingers crossed Thank mate and good luck finding your pup some rats.
  3. This is my first writeup so please be gentle. I was envited out to join Herdwick, Tyla, Blackstaff and his boy Bill for a days ratting. This was my first time ratting and I took my 8 month old pup along for her first taste too. When we got there we let my pup meet the pack for a little bit then it was straight onto the action. We walked up the hill to the first sent of holes and the dogs started marking straight away. Tyla started up the smoker and it wasn't long before the rats started bolting, one after another they were quickly dispatched by the dogs. A couple of the dogs moved
  4. Great pics Tyla, looks like you and the dogs had a great day.
  5. Great set of pics mate, you're definitely getting the hang of your new toy.
  6. Great pics . I love the last couple, he looks so happy with him self.
  7. Great pics and write up guys, sounds like you all had a blast.
  8. Looks like you had a good day out. Great pics and write up too.
  9. Great write up mate, you've captured the day perfectly .
  10. Had an absolutely fantastic day today, thanks again mate . Although it wasn't a massive catch it was great watching the ferrets and dogs do their thing.
  11. Thanks guys for the welcome.
  12. Hello all, I'm new to this forum and hunting in general. I've got two Staffords (Zoe & Charlie) and a new puppy Patterdale (Maggie). The forum looks great and I'm looking forward to learning loads.
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