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L and A

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Everything posted by L and A

  1. shes the spit of her dam mate if she turns out the same way westy will have a rocket on his hands j1985 has seen her turn of speed ! Atb rj She sounds nice mate got any pics of her?
  2. Be great to catch up again mate and see your dogs Cheers mate, are you who I think you are?? If so she'll be there in feb Yes mate it's me . Looking forward to seeing her mate.
  3. They all look great fellas. Westy mate I really like the look of Skye.......very nice. j1985 I never new you had a lurcher mate, you'll have to bring her down the field next year.
  4. Cheers mate, hows that pup? Done much with her since the ratting? She coming on great, we're so pleased with her. I've only really been training her for the sport we compete in. Other than that she's only taken a rat in our garden and a bit of bushing but not much. I'm going to get her out doing some fun stuff soon.
  5. Great pics mate, the pups are coming on nicely too.
  6. Great writeup and pics guys. Looks like a lovely place and your pup Tyla's looking really good. Atb Leigh
  7. He looks a little cracker, best of luck with him.
  8. Awesome pics mate , I didn't think you'd got the ones of Mags doing a head stand in the trough .
  9. Excellent writeup and thanks again for another fun days ratting . Now just waiting for these pics, talk about take your time Blackstaff........
  10. This was only my 2nd time ratting with my 8 month old pup so I can't really give much advice but what I will say is if you get the chance to join anyone with experienced dogs your pup will learn what it has to do from them. For me going out ratting with Herdwick, Tyla, Blackstaff & WB and been invaluable, my pup is coming on in leaps and bounds from being around their experienced ratters. I hope this helps some and I'm sure others with much more experience will help you out.
  11. Thanks mate....I think . You know what though I would rather take the pics than do the writeup any day, that done my head in . I don't mind taking turns taking the pics if you like, just let me know..............oh yeah I nearly forgot
  12. My hat goes off to you mate with the amount of pics you sort through and post . I did enjoy taking the pics although found it very difficult looking through one eye and keeping a track on the action. My method was when I heard some noise, point the camera in that direction and hold down the button. Not really text book but I was pleasently suprised on how they came out.
  13. I'm on Ebay looking for one now
  14. Right, at last I've finally sorted the slide show. Blasted Photobucket's been doing my head in. Hope you enjoy http://s1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa467/BallKeeper/Ratting%2003-04-11/?albumview=slideshow&direction=reverse
  15. For those that have heard about but have never seen the rare rat coursing human here is proof of his existance. Poetry in motion
  16. Sorry for the delay with the pics gents, didn't get home till late and then it took for ever to upload a sample of the pics. I had another fantastic day today so thank you again Herdwick and Tyla for letting me tag along . It was great meeting WB for the first time and he made me laugh all through the day what with his funny sayings and him chasing down the rats at the other end of the field . Here's a small taster of the 500 odd pics I took today and I'll add the rest tomorrow when they finally finish uploading .
  17. Looking good mate, bet you can't wait till next season starts.
  18. Great write up Tyla, sounds like you had a great day. Great pics too mate.
  19. Thanks, it's definitely addictive and I can't wait till the next time. Yes my pup loved it and crashed out on the car seat on the way home. Thanks mate, it took me long enough . Totally agree about the song, it did make me laugh. I was well chuffed with Mags and didn't stop going on about it when I got home. A field without sheep shit would be great, she was driving me mad keep sneaking off to eat it . I'm glad you thought that she done well, when she caught that rat it was like Christmas had come. Seeing all the experienced dogs work was trully awesome, thanks again
  20. How could I forget that song, it did make me laugh . The pics turned out great mate, captured the day perfectly.
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