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irish stevie

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Everything posted by irish stevie

  1. Well done mate great haul.atb.stevie.
  2. Its all over the place,from august here ln the north east.
  3. Yes mate there are plenty,dont no about the rats tho the part of the north l came from there wasnt many rats never heard of anyone doing lt.but lm sure there ls, any amount of fox men l live ln the north all my life mate move till england last year and its the worst mistake l ever made [bANNED TEXT] hunting ls concern,l wud move back in the morning atb stevie.Armagh City..
  4. Well done jamie looks promising,mayb get yourself abit more permo.
  5. Hes ln need of some meat on them legs.. :laugh:
  6. Great write up mate,and nice pics well done the team.
  7. Its yours craig ail post it the day.atb stevie
  8. I have this dvd,first pm gets it ail post it till the lucky person.atb stevie.
  9. l have this dvd if anyone wants it,pm me first pm gets it atb stevie.
  10. ls there anybody ln the Ashington,bltyh,morpeth,longbenton or surrounding areas l could do abit of ferreting with,dont drive have all the gear willing till pay my way for petrol mun..atb stevie.
  11. Well done,the mixy has hit hard everywere..
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