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irish stevie

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Everything posted by irish stevie

  1. Well done lads great pics.atb..stevie.
  2. Well done,look up your pup ls doing well a.t.b.stevie.
  3. l do must of my ferreting on the dunes,like vin says you put the ferret ln and the bunnys pop out 40 yards away,they are very deep you just have till pick you holes there are plenty about.a.t.b.stevie.
  4. A nice haul of bunnys there loner,there must be plenty about a.t.b.for the rest of the season.
  5. A nice bag there tote,sorry till hear about molly..a.t.b.stevie.
  6. Im sure theres others like you hare hunter,dont worry about it happens till all running dogs dont matter what ground you run them on.a.t.b.stevie.
  7. Glad till hear wilf the big lad is doing well,my own dog hit a bank out ferreting l noticed when he got back abit of swelling under his belly he just drop as if he was wind did,carried him back till the motor got him home give him a anti lnflammtory tablet,the next day l check him he was badly bruise and sore,a couple of days went by he was going of his food and spewin took him till the vets and lnformed them what happen,they jab him and said lf he wasnt any better the next day take him back which l did got blood test done,came back that his kidneys was failing dew till the anti lnflammtory t
  8. Great results lads,yous have had a good season.atb.stevie.
  9. Well done lads,looks like yous had a cracking season its all so nice till gain new ground.atb.stevie.
  10. Well done jim excellent result again.atb.stevie.
  11. Well done iww great pics atb stevie.
  12. Well done mate,excellent write up again and a great haul in good company atb.stevie.
  13. Well done Andy great haul again.atb.stevie.
  14. Well done andy great result..atb..stevie.
  15. Well done lads great result,l wish l was back ln lreland hunting atb stevie..
  16. Good write up mate well done atb stevie.
  17. Good going mickey,nice looking ground atb stevie..
  18. Great read mate,sounds a great few hours.
  19. Great write up mate,and a cracking day bye all well done..
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