Cheers mate,there looking 25 were l am for lt cost me 17 last year till get the 2 jills done,ln the same vet now there looking 25 till do one..a.t.b.stevie.
Ive just reared a litter of kits,from my jill there nine weeks old and all away to good homes,lve noticed the day shes ln season again any of yous lads have this problem...a.t.b.stevie..
Jamie l killed a couple of bunnies last year that were recoverin from mixi,there eyes were fine but scabby patches around there head,and sores with puss ln them on there legs.. a.t.b.stevie.
Thats it pat,theres nothin we can do about it,but its time till worry when you come across it so early on the farm,and l only got the permission a month ago,and theres a good crop of bunnies on lt.a.t.b.stevie.
It aint a nice thing till see ln young rabbits,came across two yesterday mornin on the farm full of it but thats nature and this fooked up weather.a.t.b.stevie.