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irish stevie

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Everything posted by irish stevie

  1. l took two jills today till the vets that were in season and she jab them no problem,and it only cost 17 quid for the two
  2. well done lads yous have had a cracking season
  3. Every 2 till 3 weeks mate,but then you dont no how many times there getting done ln between that time,lve seen me going till a hole an diggin a fox,an someone else going the followin week an gettin one as well which l didnt no an l went back the week after an got another one,All depends on how much permission you have
  4. The best thing for you mate is till get out and knock doors for permission,unless someone on the site lets you tag along in your area,40 mile range is alot for a 13 year old is dad gona help you out.
  5. lm willing till go out with you mate,the only thing is l dont drive will sort you out with petrol money.if thats any good lve been tryin till fine someone all season till go out with but no joy pm me if your lnterestd atb stevie
  6. l totally agree with you there footman,its been happenin years now dont think it will change now unless something drastic happens,theres alot of hounds gettin took out of dog pounds around the country 2,any tom dick are harry can get them
  7. lts a disgrace mate,no respect for land or the farmer and no permission lm from armagh city an never hunted in s armagh,thers tat many gangs now going around and beating cover 3 an 4 jeep loads and there coming from everywere,cause they have there own area puked till death
  8. nice write up steve,and a good bag of bunnies well done
  9. Two fella,s the other nite got both lamps took off them by the plod up around Alnwick
  10. you should of thought,before you mention lt
  11. welcome mate you have plenty of stinkys about you,it aint a bad site..
  12. well done mate,nice bag plenty fat around that one
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